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lmfao, the deer book is at £55 on ebay

Guest thebigdog

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The trade ones are not signed or numbered and not in there own box, thats probably why there cheaper.


So they not all the same then


Same text and pictures yes. The difference is as I have already said.

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sad a book should be for life and not just for xmas

My kids have a few boxes of them stashed in a storage unit,I told them to sit on them for at least six months and flog them to pay for their holiday next year to Hong Kong or Canada,quality books and

77 smackeroonies,far better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick,and someone has themselves a very nice book for christmas

A bit off topic but know a lad with a signed Ali book, it's signed M Ali, seemingly it's worth a 6 figure sum and if it was signed Mohammed Ali it would be worth a lot more.

signed books are worth less than photos - programmes or fight posters .. if thrs a photo of ali doin the book signing all the better problem is with any signed item is , is it genuine a lot of pa`s used to sign stuff to save time . if its right then it will be worth a few quid .. the fact that its signed m ali makes it sound a bit suspect ...


Saying that the lads just turned pro, has his picture taken with him, Holyfield, Lewis to name a few, the book was given to him by Ali himself........ Oh and he clarifies that as thought, khan is in fact a wee helmet.

thr you go then ... seen the greatest my own story signed go for 475 and 600 ..
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