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don't spoil it for others

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Last sunday i was helping my dad on the farm when we were surprized to see two lads out with lurcher and terriers walking across the hill (thought everyone would be in bed with a hangover wish i was).At this moment in time my dad is not happy about this,its not that hes againt this ,he likes to go hunting and lets me work my terriers but its the time off year .We have 1400 ewes ready to lamb any day now (all lambed on the hill no fancy sheds for us) also the cows have started calving. Cows with new claves can be dangerous.These people have to respect the landowner/farmer at this time of the year because in future when people come to ask for perrmisson the landowner/farmer is going to turn round and say no.



so dont spoil it for others

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Well said.. :good:



Bloody right! Living right in amongst it makes ye more aware, I've found. It's so easy to pop out of the city and hit the countryside on a whim. But when it's ye full time life ye get to see how the fields are empty and available one minute, full of other peoples livelihood the next. That time comes, time to pull out and let those who have first right to the land get on and make their own use of it.


Bit of respect and understanding is all it takes :yes:

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Guest Frank

Well said.. :good:



Bloody right! Living right in amongst it makes ye more aware, I've found. It's so easy to pop out of the city and hit the countryside on a whim. But when it's ye full time life ye get to see how the fields are empty and available one minute, full of other peoples livelihood the next. That time comes, time to pull out and let those who have first right to the land get on and make their own use of it.


Bit of respect and understanding is all it takes :yes:



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shoudnt realy work dogs through sheep cattle ,when there lambing etc esoes on the hill but if there fox controling and there dogs at heel no big deal, worked right alonside sheep wi bull cross and my collie cross they didnt even look at the sheep we had permiss if there approachable tell them how it is at this time of year maybe there good lads maybe there not

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Guest Leveller

By law, you must control your dog so that it does not disturb or scare farm animals or wildlife. You must keep your dog on a short lead on most areas of open country and common land between 1 March and 31 July, and at all times near farm animals.

I know exactly how your Dad feels I seem to waste so much time asking people to respect our stock and keep their dogs on leads/pick up shit!

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levvler maybe were you are, not were i come from, when there lambing localy apart from up the hillls i keep the dogs away from them , when we go denning now for instance dogs are leashed lurchers under control , or have agun with us up n scotland its vast

i dont think there would be many dog poopers about in the wilds etc lucky to see any body some days

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