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best way to train a lurcher ?? help please

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sounds like the we dog has had a rough life so far mate, my advice would be to take it very easy with it if your gona keep it outside then dont let it sleep inside for a start, it still only a baby tr

As suggested mate, do all the basic training, recall, retrieve, sit, stay etc, let it enjoy being a pup, build a bond between you and it, stock break it, introduce it to ferrets, socialise it, traffic

So according to Jack D, you should only come on a hunting forum looking for advice if you are already competent and know everything? Sage!   Sorry Jack, but you so put yourself across as a bit of a

  On 07/12/2011 at 13:23, whin said:

you sound an eejit buying adog without some ground work there books on trainig working dogs out and other types of hunting , then coming on wanting to sponge knowledge which can take years to learn


ridiculous comment

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  On 07/12/2011 at 13:53, whin said:

how scot hunter buying adog with no knowledge of the game to me isnt the way forward


we all have to start somewhere.should be happy someone else is getting into the game.thought the whole point of forums was to come and get advice and help.or is it exclusively for seasoned hunters.

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  madmacca said:
timestamp='1323264315' post='2373610'



hold up so you have never got a dog for a hobby u love and fancied moving up to the next step by using a dog?


i take it u know all they is to know??


i dont care who u are u could of been shooting / running dogs all your life and would NEVER kjnow everything they is to know about them its a learning sport and everyday has new things! so no one will know everything about it.


and callin someone an eejit for rescuing a dog that was took off a bunch of pikes because they tormented and beet it with horse whips etc..


all i want to do is give the poor dog a life to live and do what it was borne to do. ( but cheers for having ago ) u sound like a spoton know it all been there done that type of guy! u prick! grow up everyone has to learn one day ( we all can't be born and know all like u )


i honestly dont know why people have ago at people for askin for help ?? its just offit!


Couldn't agree with you more. Some have knowledge and are happy to advise, some claim to have knowledge and try to advise, some will diss you for asking and don't want to help their fellow hunting men. Looks like you've had a mixed response but it's easy to sort the wheat from the chaff and ignore the negative elements.

Sounds like you are doing ok to me, mate.


Good on you and good luck with your new hunting partner.



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  On 07/12/2011 at 14:01, The Duncan said:
  madmacca said:
timestamp='1323264315' post='2373610'



hold up so you have never got a dog for a hobby u love and fancied moving up to the next step by using a dog?


i take it u know all they is to know??


i dont care who u are u could of been shooting / running dogs all your life and would NEVER kjnow everything they is to know about them its a learning sport and everyday has new things! so no one will know everything about it.


and callin someone an eejit for rescuing a dog that was took off a bunch of pikes because they tormented and beet it with horse whips etc..


all i want to do is give the poor dog a life to live and do what it was borne to do. ( but cheers for having ago ) u sound like a spoton know it all been there done that type of guy! u prick! grow up everyone has to learn one day ( we all can't be born and know all like u )


i honestly dont know why people have ago at people for askin for help ?? its just offit!


Couldn't agree with you more. Some have knowledge and are happy to advise, some claim to have knowledge and try to advise, some will diss you for asking and don't want to help their fellow hunting men. Looks like you've had a mixed response but it's easy to sort the wheat from the chaff and ignore the negative elements.

Sounds like you are doing ok to me, mate.


Good on you and good luck with your new hunting partner.




cheers mate n cheers scothunter also ;)

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me gripe in life is peopel who want hard earned knowledge for nothing scothunter , its not being horrible but its not hard to learn best way is to go out with expierenced guys either pay or help some were down the line ,as it pays dividends

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scothunter if aguy comes and gives you a hand with something you help him , on here they seem to want it all for just the asking ,i like good hunting tales but its seems all the ragged arsed torags want everything for nothing ,theres darcy charging 40 odd pound a book other writers , why give your knowledge for nothing unless invited guests or family at times mate am i wrong thinking like that , maybe im abit harsh but in life if your out at the game amistake means you can get collared , as i says to the guy plenty obeidence places and when dogs got your trust start him with expierenced guys or pay to go out with them diesel whatever

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  On 07/12/2011 at 14:05, whin said:

me gripe in life is peopel who want hard earned knowledge for nothing scothunter , its not being horrible but its not hard to learn best way is to go out with expierenced guys either pay or help some were down the line ,as it pays dividends


omg i didnt kow i had to pay for peoples use of brains lol thats the stupidist thing iv heard in ages


yes i know i have to be positive with the dog and patience is a gratue i have been out n got a book that im reading iv been out with me mates as they go all the time

im going to get as many dvd's as i can im reading things all over the net ( so as u can tell im putiing my all into benji )


the point i was gettin at is everyone and every dog is different, i was merly asking for pionters etc as different people will have different ways of doing things some better than more some more experianced than others some work better than others


me granda rip has always said if u dont ask u dont get and its sometimes better to ask for help than to not ask at all..


atb paul

Edited by madmacca
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  On 07/12/2011 at 14:10, whin said:

scothunter if aguy comes and gives you a hand with something you help him , on here they seem to want it all for just the asking ,i like good hunting tales but its seems all the ragged arsed torags want everything for nothing ,theres darcy charging 40 odd pound a book other writers , why give your knowledge for nothing unless invited guests or family at times mate am i wrong thinking like that , maybe im abit harsh but in life if your out at the game amistake means you can get collared , as i says to the guy plenty obeidence places and when dogs got your trust start him with expierenced guys or pay to go out with them diesel whatever


well we all got handed down advice,not even in hunting skills.tips have been handed down from generation to generation.its called progress.you only have to look at some of the trades from by gone days some all but lost.a few older men practice it still,and when they go thats the end.not saying that will ever happen in hunting but im sure there a few wee practices have gone by the wayside.i see no harm in giviing advice,its up to the individual whether he adopts it or not.i dont care either way,but hey it didnt cost me anything when i was taught.so therfore one good deed deserves another.

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ye i see your piont im just not so forth coming with strangers nowadays , hate all the hard luck stories , etc the computers have there uses , but not for all and sundrie an dif you learnt of your peers then so should the rest of them like me and several others

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