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Born into it(hunting)

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Been born into Hunting,Rather than Getting into IT !!,

does it make you any better ?

I know folk who have been round "Hunting" all there lives,and a shortchanged when it comes to dog/Hunting, :huh: likewise folk who have GOT into Hunting,and in my eyes ,are alot more Knowledgeable,been born into something doesn't mean you have or will gain wisdom !,or does it ? :hmm:

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Been born into Hunting,Rather than Getting into IT !!,

does it make you any better ?

I know folk who have been round "Hunting" all there lives,and a shortchanged when it comes to dog/Hunting, :huh: likewise folk who have GOT into Hunting,and in my eyes ,are alot more Knowledgeable,been born into something doesn't mean you have or will gain wisdom !,or does it ? :hmm:


Nah mate none of my family were interested in hunting ......I went on my first ferreting trip when I was 8 been hooked ever since....I think it comes down to your experience of hunting.... We always had dogs and ferrets as kids and had free reign to go where we wanted. We were into bird nesting anything to do with the outdoors and it developed from there.

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born into running dogs,but none of my family were into hunting .got into it when i was 12 used to go away with the guy across the road who was a right poacher.picked it up off of him.i dont think being born into something makes you an authority on it.think you have to that hunting mentality,its certainly not everyones taste thats for sure.

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Was taken out from a young age, ferrets, dogs, fishing, bird nesting, it was my everyday life school couldn't end soon enough and weekends were full, varied and interesting.

Then around 22 I started doing other things and drifted away from it all, the last few years of getting back into the hunting side of things I'm learning more than ever, I go out with a bloke doing various types of hunting who has been brought up with it all his life and he's shown me a few things which I never knew about the bug has bit harder than before.

Not sure what gives you more knowledge, I think it's a mixture of time spent doing it, reading about it, and mainly really enjoying it but if your not willing to learn or already think you know it all, you may miss out on loads.

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I think those who are serious about it, not the 5 minute wonders, are all born into it, because its in the blood surely ?

It may not surface till a bit later in some, but its more than just a hobby.

Granted,if born into it!,more likely to be serious,Job / Family connected,but to be more Knowlegable,"Than A SERIOUS HUNTER" a born Townie,that had no ,gateway into the field,till later on,and soaked up all that has been seen and done, :hmm: Is there such a "Beast " I'm sure there are..

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You lads must be the few when 85% of this forum dont even hunt ! look at the posting statistics of the top posters and ask yourself. Work , Family and rest. Where does hunting come into the picture when they are currently posting X amount of posts per day to get their street, sorry forum credit up!


Theres a few names on here i question their reasoning on here at all, never mind not mentioning having dogs, if they even own one!


I love the " who would you have a pint with" threads, naming lads you aint even met LOL could be the fcuking plod for all you know LOL


A Joke!

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I think those who are serious about it, not the 5 minute wonders, are all born into it, because its in the blood surely ?

It may not surface till a bit later in some, but its more than just a hobby.


Like everything theres different levels.....i wasnt born into it i never saw a field or tree till i was an adult :D .....i do remember a " family friend " type person taking me and my brother out to Epping Forest to catch a rabbit when i was young....i think i cried :icon_redface: ....but the experience stayed with me until near 35 years later when i moved out to a country type area and having had another type of dog for years i got in with a few of the locals who took me out hunting......and that was it......im the first to admit im no hardcore hunter like some of the folks on here it is just that for me....a hobby i like to learn about nothing more nothing less.

I dont see how someones any more of a hunter just because they are born into it.

Edited by gnasher16
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I think those who are serious about it, not the 5 minute wonders, are all born into it, because its in the blood surely ?

It may not surface till a bit later in some, but its more than just a hobby.


.....i do remember a " family friend " type person taking me and my brother out to Epping Forest to catch a rabbit when i was young....i think i cried

Was he a priest ? lol
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I wasn't born in to it, I had an older sister who tried drilling it in to me that hunting of any type is wrong (successfully when I was too young to think for myself). She is the biggest f*****g hypocrite alive as she will eat meat, but not on the bone because it reminds her it was an animal! I can’t stand her to be honest…

But anyway I have always loved animals and nature, hunting make me feel part of it like nothing else. I started fishing and shooting first (shooting at a club from 12 at first) then shortly after started ferreting, then got heavily into falconry and went out with mates lurchers as often as I could.

I don't think it matters much, but I think if you start on your own initiative then you are going to make your own mistakes and learn from it. You also do things your own way and not just copying advice. However being born in to it you will undoubtedly get more experience from a young age and probably get more equipment from sympathetic parents!

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