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propper grafters (on old charlie boy)

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This is Zak, he has served me well for 9 seasons! never turned face at ANYTHING and 100% single handed, heart of a lion and the power to match. He's seen more game in a season than most of the shit th

Coupe of grafters

my old dog remus,most have seen him before,no longer wid us.

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My bitch was 12 killed 3 foxes in a night single handed not a young bitch so she took some stick more than av seen younger stronger dogs take an never lifted her head but that the differnts between a gd dog an a dog that just kill a fox doesnt make it a good dog does it


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  On 09/12/2011 at 10:30, long dogs said:
  On 09/12/2011 at 08:11, whin said:

pity there wasnt a market for foxes can you not send them to european market if you got 50 to a hundrd a year , in usa a good red fox in winter prime is 2o to 40 a skin you get some of the big dog foxes would be a healthy income ,plus good pestcontrol if i was to get into foxing serously i would find amarket guys like the yanks

i got told other week by a farmer theres a lad that shoots his land shoots fox and sells to chineese takeaway in matlock

thats not as far fetched as it may sounds when i was younger my digging partner was a black lad and we sold all ours to a chinky in nottingham apparently they like the musky tastes and i know of a well known poacher in notts who used to feed it his kids.
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  On 09/12/2011 at 11:53, hullhunter said:

there is a big difference between getting bit and getting smashed up all the time. i would say all good fox dogs get bit alot but good ones dont get smached all the time.


also a dog that has 9 seasons is going to have alot of scaring if it was to take just one a month over 9 years that would be 108 and im sure that it was doing more than that.


nice looking dog by the way terra was it bred in hull?


Yes he came from that up that way.

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  On 09/12/2011 at 11:16, mullettt said:

why is a dog a good fox dog just cause its marked up??????

surely a good fox dog would be able to go out night after night without any injuries,

dogs that are used around a hole is going to get marked regardless of how good it is fact
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just to add a good fox dog has to get bitten for the reason he will strike on his quarry from any were and not choose his strike,the dog thats hardly bitten and chooses his strike looses more fox than enough.

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Just to set the record straight, my dogs are kept to the highest standard with no expense spared, if they are sore the get the rest and care that they need.


Anyone that doesn't live by this rule is a clown that shouldn't keep working dogs.


As for getting bit, well this is inevitable, as stated earlier in the thread a good fox dog will grab at the first chance, be it tail, neck or back. Then deal with the game in a fast and efficient manner, if this involves getting bit they will not turn face but deal with the job in hand.


Zak was out 3/4 times a week in his prime, doing his job unless being rested, which to be fair wasn't that often considering the amount of game he was dealing with.


He started at a young age taking his first single handed fox at 9 months not intensionally, and a sika stag at 13 months and never looked back.


I have been very lucky to have owned a dog like him, a "once in a lifetime dog" perhaps, as I said he is a freak and I don't know if I ever will replace him with a another one as good.


I have 2 pups here from the litter I bred in April coming on well so who knows what they'll make?


All the things spoken about in my post were pre-ban.

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well sorry i disagree, theres dogs out there that take big numbers of fox that run night after night,

i also have bullx s which 1 night on the fox then its a week of just grab em where they can and get bit and in my experiance this is no good,plus the marks and scars bring to much attention to you these days.

yea its ok if you do 1 or 2 fox a week but when you looking at good numbers week in week out you need proper thinking dogs unless you got kennels like battersea dogs home to house all your dogs which i havnt,

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  On 09/12/2011 at 13:32, mullettt said:

numbers week in week out you need proper thinking dogs unless you got kennels like battersea dogs home to house all your dogs which i havnt,

well them thinking dogs would'nt catch many where i used to run,the fields were'nt big enough they had to catch em at the first oppertunity,look at them collies on them hills in wales(on the dvd),great dogs at what they do but how many foxes as that fella missed wid foxes getting to ground cause the dogs are hanging and waiting to get there hold i wonder!!(just an example)if your running big land i suppose you can have a different type of dog,horses for courses as they say :thumbs:
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to me dogs that repetivly get bit on the run are not useing there head ,at times a dog feints sometimes on game and fox is nailed saw lots of foxes over the years getting nailed some were have ago heroes marks all over some tailed the fox or got him to make a move then pinn him face or knech ,the big poweful staghounds dont always grab fox by anywere they draw him into a mistake then brisket or kneck my best nite was 3 big foxes with a saluki cross , pre ban as they were decimating the guys chickens ,a wheaton coat hides a multitude of scars guys, you black dogs a cracker mate big tho

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  On 09/12/2011 at 12:58, spazzy paddy said:
  On 09/12/2011 at 10:30, long dogs said:
  On 09/12/2011 at 08:11, whin said:

pity there wasnt a market for foxes can you not send them to european market if you got 50 to a hundrd a year , in usa a good red fox in winter prime is 2o to 40 a skin you get some of the big dog foxes would be a healthy income ,plus good pestcontrol if i was to get into foxing serously i would find amarket guys like the yanks

i got told other week by a farmer theres a lad that shoots his land shoots fox and sells to chineese takeaway in matlock

thats not as far fetched as it may sounds when i was younger my digging partner was a black lad and we sold all ours to a chinky in nottingham apparently they like the musky tastes and i know of a well known poacher in notts who used to feed it his kids.

i couldnt eat it myself,apparently its on menu as curried fox

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  On 09/12/2011 at 13:52, mullettt said:
  On 09/12/2011 at 13:51, jo54 said:

come on lads its bullx dogs on foxs to shakes there dead imo regardless how many they pull a night

and lasses :laugh: :laugh: :laugh::thumbs:


that explains it then..lasses keep pets lol not real deals :boogy:

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