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feeding a kitten to a snake

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It's illegal to feed live food to captive snake's and they is no benifit from doing so and i see it as pointless suffering...yes in the wild they do have to kill to survive..snake's in captivity dont

as he carries the cuddly bundle of fur to its doom , the fecking sun make me laugh,they dont mention, that cuddly bundle of fur will grow up into a ruthless killer, killing all kinds of wildlife duri

we all know its feckin cruel, there aint nothing to defend it is there. Its a pet snake , not a wild 1 that would eat diffent quarry anyway, any animal wild or not should be treated in a humane wa

That looks like the same guy that put a couple kittens in a one of those shrinking clothes bags and sucked the air out. He video taped it and put it on youtube. :hmm:



Well i think they need to trace him,potential f*****g serial killer in the making

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Thanks for that Lurcher1 and Millet,then I guess his actions are illegal,but I have just been on youtube and found loads of footage of guys feeding live mice,rats,and rabbits to their snakes,I am sure some of them will be UK based but the RSPCA wont go after them as there is no mileage nor could you drum up support when its a white mouse or albino rat being eaten,the guy with the kitten is already facing trial by media :blink:


The law does seem a bit confused, as you can legally let a terrier kill a rat or kill it in any way(Not true at all) as long you don't feed it to a snake...you can't even feed a goldfish to another fish. But it is the same kind of law as being able to hunt a rabbit with a dog, but you can't use a bagged rabbit(If you can't diiferentiate betweena rabbit caught in its natural surroundings to a bagged rabbit then i worry for you). There is a fine moral line between two seemingly similar actions(similar to you :blink: ).


You misunderstand I am not defending bagged game, I am just saying that although a wild and bagged rabbit will meet the same end there is a moral line seperating it. So yes a wild snake will hunt a rat, but putting a live rat in a cage is the same as bagged game in a way, it is just bloodlust on the humans part.

I have kept many reptiles including a bosc monitor that I took on in a terrible state. He had been raised on dog food and live rats, with the scars to prove it which when added to the cigarette burns and obesity made him quite the sorry looking bugger for a long time before he lost the weight and some wounds faded.

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