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hinges please?

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Can anyone help me please,I have 4 ferret boxes and at the moment 3 of them have seized hinges.I have to take off the hinge and dump it,it rusts and seizes up from the ferrets piss and the weather.Is there any better way around this,I replace the hinges every 4-6 months due to this problem.The timber looks a little moth eaten around where the screws were holding the hinge in.As you can imagine there are a lot of old screw holes now and I'm running out of places to drive in the screws.If anyone has a way around this or knows of a hinge thats piss proof :clapper: please let me know.I've had brass hinges,and even a plastic hinge with a bar running through the center of the hinges but in time that also broke.If you have photos that may explain how to solve the problem I would be most grateful,JIGSAW

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Chief I did think of that but when the hutch is opened the ferrets launch themselves out and they fall onto the floor below.In the past I've had ferrets that have been knocked out from this,I've tried to get stainless steel hinges but the builders providers only do very wide hinges,I'll take a look at Screwfix BF and see if they have what I need,thanks

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If you make the lid lift up put a lip of weldmesh round the top about 5" stops the ferrets climbing straigth out over the top. On the door on the front instead of the door sitting on the floor of the hutch put a 1" lip on the edge too keep the door off the floor.

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I have used these for a while now and after a time they seized up also.I use a smaller version though.I just have to remember to oil them regular.Do you have any problem with the ferrets falling out of the hutch when you open the front Woodchip?i've had a few hit the deck over the years when they rush the front of the box.I'm going to have to adjust the hutches over the summer months I reckon and place the hinges either on the side like yours or the top.The big problem here is the bloody weather,it never stops raining.Plus I must admit neglect on my behalf,I dont oil regulary.

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If you put a 3-4 inch strip of wood across the bottom of the cage and the hinge it off that it should be ok. Another good tip is if you tie a piece of string to the top of the door and the top of the cage at just the right length so when the doors open it stays at 90 degrees will save a bit of wear on the hinges.


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It might be time to change your boxes for a top opening type and use good long strap hinges in brass to avoid any problems in the future. The hinges on some of my boxes have been on them for 20 odd years with no problems at all.



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Ive used brass hinges,just wondering if you ingenious lot had better systems,thanks for the replys,



i use t hinges galvinised

Er, they don't look galvanised ;) .... I have the same on my ferret court, been working for nearly eighteen years with no trouble. :yes: ...


As suggested, use some WD40, or some washing up liquid B)

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