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if you could have a pint with anyone

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Brilliaint song !.My wee nephew has Autism,Brilliant at maths & reading,but socially hard work,My son has Dyslexia,torn my heart,how he struggles with reading & writting,something I love and Took for granted,but He's one of the kindest hardworking kids in his school,disliked by no one. :thumbs:

Would I change him for the Brilliance !I'm afraid not,Rather have him to be able to communicate in the World,than be a Maths genuis !

Would like to be able to take my two boys,for a pint wih my old man,but the pints He ENJOYED,killed him ,in the end :cray:

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would love to have a pint again with me dad he has been dead over ten years now and still miss him

if you could have a pint with anyone past and present who would it be with .Mine would be Luke Kelly ,heres a song he sang about his friends autistic child .I hope yee enjoy the lyrics

My son , be 5yrs come 22nd dec since he died aged 18 , though lucky enough to be able to have a drink with my other son 2 weeks today when he comes home for xmas from states ,

Brilliaint song !.My wee nephew has Autism,Brilliant at maths & reading,but socially hard work,My son has Dyslexia,torn my heart,how he struggles with reading & writting,something I love and Took for granted,but He's one of the kindest hardworking kids in his school,disliked by no one. :thumbs:

Would I change him for the Brilliance !I'm afraid not,Rather have him to be able to communicate in the World,than be a Maths genuis !

Would like to be able to take my two boys,for a pint wih my old man,but the pints He ENJOYED,killed him ,in the end :cray:

i have a baby with cerebal palsey myself pal thats why the song gets to me every time
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Brilliaint song !.My wee nephew has Autism,Brilliant at maths & reading,but socially hard work,My son has Dyslexia,torn my heart,how he struggles with reading & writting,something I love and Took for granted,but He's one of the kindest hardworking kids in his school,disliked by no one. :thumbs:

Would I change him for the Brilliance !I'm afraid not,Rather have him to be able to communicate in the World,than be a Maths genuis !

Would like to be able to take my two boys,for a pint wih my old man,but the pints He ENJOYED,killed him ,in the end :cray:

Dyslexia doesn't make your lad simple mate.

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my best mate died 5 year ago knew him since we whr 5 yr olds ... had some fantastic times followed forest all over europe .. watched all tony sibsons fights . northern soul all nighters up in wigan loads of cracking memories -- be nice to catch up over a pint of shipstones mild ..

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That's when Strength of character,Shows up,coping with Discrimination,Some folk just can't cope,

Your dreams,are sometimes tied up with them.Gonna do all that you never done,achieve more,your gonna be a better dad,guide them better.Then Boom !!.the garden aint' so Rosey,All you can do Is give you self an love,make THEIR lives better.

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my best mate died 5 year ago knew him since we whr 5 yr olds ... had some fantastic times followed forest all over europe .. watched all tony sibsons fights . northern soul all nighters up in wigan loads of cracking memories -- be nice to catch up over a pint of shipstones mild ..

if only we had one more day with these people mentioned
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That's when Strength of character,Shows up,coping with Discrimination,Some folk just can't cope,

Your dreams,are sometimes tied up with them.Gonna do all that you never done,achieve more,your gonna be a better dad,guide them better.Then Boom !!.the garden aint' so Rosey,All you can do Is give you self an love,make THEIR lives better.

step up and be the best person you can be thats all you can be
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