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A good one one is worth there weight in gold ...there must be loads of lads out there .who run dogs and dont use them ...somtimes looking at there dogs and wondering why it isnt running right i.e. ca

i may have sounded a bit harsh on ken ..hes a nice enough geezer .he sorted my dog out .a couple of seasons ago .and it ran a hell of alot better once he had done his stuff....i couldnt see the proble

the one i see is in the north east ..a good couple of hours from me.. but i would drive 10 hours to see this man...hes a busy man and dosent see just anybody ..and i wont put his name on here ...but i

tomo he took a £1000 off a lad for work that carnt NEVER be done all bollocks for a droped toe SAYING HE WAS GOING TO PUT A NEW TENDON IN THE TOE TO PULL IT UP he blamed the stitches for going infected :shok: i was told he was a good vet took a bitch to him after the 5th visit i told him what he realy was a complet wanker went with another fella that has bin to running dogs for 50 years he sumed he up strait away CON MAN he asked why he was doing something he came out with shit HE NEVER GOT PAID the fella walked out

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never used a bone man and dont think i will be using mr torr, even though he aint too far from me.

would it be worth getiing my older dog looked at? dont do too much with him now but he still has his uses for general daytime mooching stuff (almost 8 years old) if so can anyone recommend a fella in or around the mids area....dont mind travelling a bit for the right fella

cheers, matt

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never used a bone man and dont think i will be using mr torr, even though he aint too far from me.

would it be worth getiing my older dog looked at? dont do too much with him now but he still has his uses for general daytime mooching stuff (almost 8 years old) if so can anyone recommend a fella in or around the mids area....dont mind travelling a bit for the right fella

cheers, matt

I personally would Matty. Even if it is to just get the dog pain free....sometimes they just don't show it.

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will get him looked at just to see if there is a few mpg that can be squeezed from the old fella.....im pretty sure after following this topic that there will be benefits for the decrepid old git! as ive noticed he tends to throw his back right leg a bit when at full tilt......who knows, could come back with a whole new dog!

cheers, matt

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Took bitch to Richard Torr today following running her at weekend and going lame on back leg.

Small tear found in gracilis muscle bitch given thorough check from nose to tail.

Time spent explaining how to manage injury with application of massage solution and how to stretch out muscle manually to get best recovery.

Advice given on time scales to bring back dog and what will take place to injury site.

Advice given on exercise regeme to assist recovery and use of portamag and suplement with fish oils.

£25 for consultation and £25 for tensolvet £61 with vat.

Finding injuries is one thing but as important if not more so is the advice on managing the injury to get the best out come and succesfull recovery.

Every time i have visited Richard i have had a positive visit and the time he takes to explain things excellent.

Worth every single penny of the £61.

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Took bitch to Richard Torr today following running her at weekend and going lame on back leg.

Small tear found in gracilis muscle bitch given thorough check from nose to tail.

Time spent explaining how to manage injury with application of massage solution and how to stretch out muscle manually to get best recovery.

Advice given on time scales to bring back dog and what will take place to injury site.

Advice given on exercise regeme to assist recovery and use of portamag and suplement with fish oils.

£25 for consultation and £25 for tensolvet £61 with vat.

Finding injuries is one thing but as important if not more so is the advice on managing the injury to get the best out come and succesfull recovery.

Every time i have visited Richard i have had a positive visit and the time he takes to explain things excellent.

Worth every single penny of the £61.

he would have advised you to keep regular road walks then ;) starting straight away :yes:
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