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adding terrier in?

Guest hunterside

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Guest hunterside
she blows hot and cold frank... if she hasnt been out in a while she will run with a real gusto but try her again the next night or the night after and you would think you had a different dog... the last night out she was slipped on a hare and it crossed a low wire fence, she just stood and watched it get away :cry: ... a night before that she jumped the same fence and ran the hare done!



hunterside, i would agree with luke... i took 2 litters from my whippet/grey, one litter was an accidental cross to a bull terrier and i got this bitch, she is game and works cover and all that but she's too slow





the other litter i bred wasnt to a beddy/grey but to an alsation/grey, i'll get a pic up of her later as the mrs owns her.... For now we'll pretend it was a beddy/grey, this litter was far far faster and more useful than the bull litter... Both litters only made about 23" at the most.... the mrs says hers will run up trees :) ...

Bedlington/greyhound was another idea i had its just finding a decent 1st cross,i just dont know many people that breed them.There was the heartbreak fell kennels that were breeding 1st crosses but i think they've packed up know through lack of demand,thats what i was told.

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Ive been breeding 1st cross bedlington greyhounds for many years now and in my opinion and it is only my opinion ,you cant get much better,you get the coat and fire from the beddy and the height and speed from the greyhound,your bitch sounds spot on for going to a beddy ,youve already got the height and speed just need the coat and fire.My beddy mates ANYTHING standing on a sack or 2 of feed or a bale of straw ,he WILL mate it come hell or high water NO STOPPING HIM!!!!!!! i have a litter due any day now.

Edited by coyote
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Guest hunterside
Ive been breeding 1st cross bedlington greyhounds for many years now and in my opinion and it is only my opinion ,you cant get much better,you get the coat and fire from the beddy and the height and speed from the greyhound,your bitch sounds spot on for going to a beddy ,youve already got the height and speed just need the coat and fire.My beddy mates ANYTHING standing on a sack or 2 of feed or a bale of straw ,he WILL mate it come hell or high water NO STOPPING HIM!!!!!!! i have a litter due any day now.

He sounds like the bedlington ive been looking for,whats he like work wise?

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