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adding terrier in?

Guest hunterside

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Guest hunterside

Hello,ive got a whippet/greyhound 1st cross and would like to add a bit of fire to it,ive been suggested to use bedlington across her but are they still any good?,i was thinking more along the lines of the wheaton or the i.s.b.t.Can you guys out there give me any advice!.My bitch is 21'' ,will i have any problems getting the terrier to reach?.When i breed her i want to keep a pup back myself and use it as a small vermin dog,i.e rats/squirrels/foxes(with permission of course!) I would be gratefull for any advice you can give. :)

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i bred my 3/4 whippet 1/4 bedlington lurcher bitch with a terrier , a JRTxborderxlakeland , they have all made nice little dogs , pics below put not best of quality sorry . got a variety litter of racey looking ones and 2 strong terrier looking types.


4 week old :


2days old:





Edited by Dale
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Guest oldskool

this is just completley my opinion but if it is'nt doing what you want then i wouldnt breed from it... just my opinion :) ....


whippet/greys are a firey sorta bunch anyways.. just my opinion too :)

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I have got an irish terrier mate 20 inch at the shoulder. Basically a bigger version of a red fell terrier they have a good coat that needs stripping so you would get a rough litter. I work him on bunnys, rat and take him out shooting ducks etc. He has moved a few foxes from cover but aint got the legs to catch them! Again he is not to good on the lamp as he is not as fast as rabbits but he tries and on the odd chance he gets one. He likes a scrap as well but only with terriers! He is great with my lurcher and my mates but hates his beddy! Some pictures of me mutt not to recent but all I have got!


Cheers lads Jon

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Guest hunterside
  jpt said:
I have got an irish terrier mate 20 inch at the shoulder. Basically a bigger version of a red fell terrier they have a good coat that needs stripping so you would get a rough litter. I work him on bunnys, rat and take him out shooting ducks etc. He has moved a few foxes from cover but aint got the legs to catch them! Again he is not to good on the lamp as he is not as fast as rabbits but he tries and on the odd chance he gets one. He likes a scrap as well but only with terriers! He is great with my lurcher and my mates but hates his beddy! Some pictures of me mutt not to recent but all I have got!


Cheers lads Jon

Thanks for all the replys,i like the look of the irish terrier,looks a good sort,gives you something else to think about other than the usual terriers that are added to lurchers,dale i like the look of your pups as well.Staffy-1 i think youve hit the nail on the head by saying use wheaton.my bitch dont come into season untill aug/sept so i have still got a bit of time to look around.thanks mick.

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Agree with Oldskool, Whippet /Grews are usually game dogs.

Crossed to a Bedlington may throw some nice pups - DO NOT use one of the fluffy wuffy show "psuedo" :icon_eek: Bedlingtons though.


Lovin that Irish Terrier, JPT.

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  david2363 said:
Agree with Oldskool, Whippet /Grews are usually game dogs.

Crossed to a Bedlington may throw some nice pups - DO NOT use one of the fluffy wuffy show "psuedo" :icon_eek: Bedlingtons though.


Lovin that Irish Terrier, JPT.

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Guest grubygrafter

i bred a litter of fell terrier greyhounds many many years ago. and the pups turned out way to heavy

farmed em out all over britain . there was seven six dogs one bitch. only the bitch came good she looked

just like a strong whippet at twenty one inch . and was a decsent fox dog i'm told she was killed by a car whilst chasing so never got to see a second cross. my choice would be a wheaten cross or working bedlinton


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Guest hunterside
  david2363 said:
Agree with Oldskool, Whippet /Grews are usually game dogs.

Crossed to a Bedlington may throw some nice pups - DO NOT use one of the fluffy wuffy show "psuedo" :icon_eek: Bedlingtons though.


Lovin that Irish Terrier, JPT.

If i decided to use bedlington it would be from one of the known work strains i.e,gutchcommon,rillington ect and not the show type,as for oldskool my whippet/grew is keen and can take rabbits and hares with no problem,all i want to end up with is a pup that i can use for a bit of bushing/ratting and squirreling.As im more into lurchers than terriers i just wanted to add terrier to my present strain of longdog instead of keeping terriers.

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Guest oldskool

ok mate, i think i can see what your aiming at!!! for bushing you will need a good coat and whippet greys are often poor in that department... when i first read your thread i thought you were the same as me... i have a 3/4grey 1/4 deer bitch and she is lacking in fire to do what i need... i'm not going to cross her with anything in the hope of producing what i'm after because i learned not to by producing her in the first place... her dad was a lacklustre big brute and i crossed him with a real game firey bitch in the hope that i would get some of his good qualitys with her tenacity... well, it didnt work!! she isnt a bad bitch but in my opinion she is only above par... she doesnt fair well in the bushes either even though her mum did.... thats the bitch i bred in the avator

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Guest hunterside
  oldskool said:
ok mate, i think i can see what your aiming at!!! for bushing you will need a good coat and whippet greys are often poor in that department... when i first read your thread i thought you were the same as me... i have a 3/4grey 1/4 deer bitch and she is lacking in fire to do what i need... i'm not going to cross her with anything in the hope of producing what i'm after because i learned not to by producing her in the first place... her dad was a lacklustre big brute and i crossed him with a real game firey bitch in the hope that i would get some of his good qualitys with her tenacity... well, it didnt work!! she isnt a bad bitch but in my opinion she is only above par... she doesnt fair well in the bushes either even though her mum did.... thats the bitch i bred in the avator

Im glad you can see what im getting at,didnt want you to think that im a know all and your talking bollox.Its all in my head,i just have a problem typing it down and getting it on screen and to make what im saying make sense!.Ive decided to use a bedlington as i dont want the resulting offspring being too big and i want to keep my breeding simple as possible.

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i would use a bedlingtonxgreyhound look for one thats good on fox

as a strait terrier cross might not have the speed to come to

terms with its quary i had one and it was as hard as a

coffin nail look for the right one though one thats good on fox

there great little dogs ;)

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Guest Frank
  oldskool said:
ok mate, i think i can see what your aiming at!!! for bushing you will need a good coat and whippet greys are often poor in that department... when i first read your thread i thought you were the same as me... i have a 3/4grey 1/4 deer bitch and she is lacking in fire to do what i need... i'm not going to cross her with anything in the hope of producing what i'm after because i learned not to by producing her in the first place... her dad was a lacklustre big brute and i crossed him with a real game firey bitch in the hope that i would get some of his good qualitys with her tenacity... well, it didnt work!! she isnt a bad bitch but in my opinion she is only above par... she doesnt fair well in the bushes either even though her mum did.... thats the bitch i bred in the avator


What she like on Hare Oldskool?



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Guest oldskool

she blows hot and cold frank... if she hasnt been out in a while she will run with a real gusto but try her again the next night or the night after and you would think you had a different dog... the last night out she was slipped on a hare and it crossed a low wire fence, she just stood and watched it get away :cry: ... a night before that she jumped the same fence and ran the hare done!



hunterside, i would agree with luke... i took 2 litters from my whippet/grey, one litter was an accidental cross to a bull terrier and i got this bitch, she is game and works cover and all that but she's too slow





the other litter i bred wasnt to a beddy/grey but to an alsation/grey, i'll get a pic up of her later as the mrs owns her.... For now we'll pretend it was a beddy/grey, this litter was far far faster and more useful than the bull litter... Both litters only made about 23" at the most.... the mrs says hers will run up trees :) ...

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