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GRRRRRRRRRRRR :censored: Tuesday myself and my Mum went into our regular cafe and got a sausage,bacon and tomato butty (was feeling very happy and gave him 2 pound tip n everything) Yesterday after large amounts of projectile vomiting and other symptoms - this morning went to docs in AGONY with back and tummy pains indeed confimered we have been food posioned! - Feel not too bad at the mo have eaten half a sandwich and a activa yougert and LARGE amounts of water! But im ment to go out tnoight to see a guy a like and now they have fecked it completely :censored: I darnt go because i dont feel 100% self ..still a bit achey and generally look dead :icon_eek:


I wait to plan my revenge on the feckers who did this :censored::censored:


Any ideas for revenge? :cry:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Get a note from that GP, explaining the situation. Take that to ye local Enviromental Health Offices. They'll do the 'Revenge' bit for ye. Through the courts.

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Guest Lurcherbitch

Ang on people...it might just be a one off, he obviously didnt poisen you on purpose. It's the guy's livelyhood. Think about it first. Fastdogs have you had a word with him?

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Ooooh Mole catcher :D:clapper:


LB - I have a conclusion :D Right man who owns cafe is always nice and jolly - friendly chap likes po have a play and laugh but its his missus who cooks the food and serves up :yes: Apparanrlty shes always been a bit of a bunny boiler around other women (god knows why hes in his 60s like but hey ho)...Me thinks cos shes heard Mum having a laugh and a joke with her hubby shes posioned us :icon_eek: *gets head fulls of weird and wonderful ideas due to overdose of water and lack of seeing fit guy tonight*



Edited to say - Will take the nice clam friendly appraoch firt (cos thats what im like) and blackmail for money for my silence :clapper: hummm ok maybe not.

Edited by FastDogz
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Or ..................


You could ask Deltor for a date .................. I don't think your unusually relaxed sphincter would put him off in any way, after what we've heard about him this week :laugh:


Am sure the caff owner didn't poison you on purpose, I'd go back and tell him, see what he says.

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Ha ha ha..... i once "accidentally" dropped 1/4 pint of maggots in a shop.. it was summer and they didnt take long....picture the scene....hundreds of bluebottles headbutting the windows to get out......ha ha ha.... not that i would condoen this in anyway though....it was funny

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Or ..................


You could ask Deltor for a date .................. I don't think your unusually relaxed sphincter would put him off in any way, after what we've heard about him this week :laugh:



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