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new permission

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well the alarm went off this morning with the rain and wind battering the house, and as i was going out on my own this morning i could of quite easily stayed in bed,

but in the week i called in on a place, i have permission on the farm that surrounds this place so called to see could i ferret the boundry hedge, no problem

was the reply do what you want and can you do the rest of the land, all horse paddocks with hedges

gets there at first light and its still raining but not as heavy, i took the young hob i got off johnny boy and one of my jills, the dog marks the first set as i'm

getting the stuff out the van about 20 holes under a hawthorn tree so nets on and the jill gets collared and entered, this sets to big for the young hob

after about 5mins the first one hits the net and as i'm getting to it another bolts out of the same hole, the dog took care of that so thats 2 in the bag with no

ferret showing so more in and a quick sweep with the locator and an 18" dig and 2 more in a stop end so 4 rabbits and only been there about 20mins

the dog marked another big set but i really wanted a small set to get the hob going, anyway further down the hedge the dog marks a 6 holer

this is what i wanted for the young ferret, nets up and puts him in no messing and he's gone, the heavens began to open and i'm

thinking dont kill down when one bolts as i' necking that another bolts with the ferret behind it so it was nets up with 6 rabbits in the bag and only been out an hour

so going back tomorrow and get a few more hope its not pissing down everythings hung up drying out as it is


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