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1 of them hunting facebook pages

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just copied aqnd pasted this

Clive Rees

Everyone: A big thank you to all who keep putting hunting images on FACEBOOK. You are keeping me in business. The last three cases I have dealt with have been RSPCA prosecutions based on no evidence at all except for images people have taken on their phones and which have either found their way onto social media sites ...or have been examined by police when the phone owner has been stopped for something unrelated (like driving offences) and the phone was routinely examined. Seriously folks, you might as well pop round to the local cop shop and say "Arrest me for badger digging, hare coursing, hunting illegally....!" The police WILL oblige. And don't think that merely deleting images from a computer or phone will ACTUALLY delete the images. Everey image you've ever taken or that has ever been sent to you is probably still in there. Clive Rees.

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You cant educate dog shit.

The people who put these images online are retarded and IMO deserve everthing they get.

Sooner they get handed out bans on keeping dogs the better, the sport is better off as a whole without them.



Edited by FightTheBan
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You cant educate dog shit.

The people who put these images online are retarded and IMO deserve everthing they get.

Sooner they get handed out bans on keeping dogs the better, the sport is better off as a whole without them.




if they really need telling, no point in telling them :victory:

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But when you think about it we all know the antis and the plod watch over the site yet some people still put pics of their dogs taking/catching things they shouldn't be so really if you put up pics your making things way to easy for antis and the plod to get on your backs


Atb lads



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