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Paralysis on LHS of dog

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Woke up this morning at 6 to feed dog and take out for a walk. She wouldnt get up, couldnt even, stayed with her for 10mins to see what was wrong. Her left legs were really sore and she couldnt use them. Had to pick her up to take her out to go to the toilet.


Although she's not paralysed on her left side, just the use and movement in her left legs is worrying.


Around 8am then phoned vet and booked appointment for 11am. was told i could feed her a little, so i did, she ate as normal, woolfed it down as per normal, if she was really ill she wouldnt be eating.


Then took her outside to go to toilet and she hobbled onto the lawn and done her business, all the time looking very unstable.


Back on her bed, some shaking in her back leg muscle spasms ?


When poking and proding legs no sign of pain, but slight discomfort.



So have to wait to see what Mr Vet says now.


Have a few theories, but who am i to say.


Poisoning - she'll eat almost anything

Stroke - unlikely as shes on ly 16 months

slipped disk ?

Trapped nerve ?


Theorising over, have to wait for what the Vets say now.


Anybody experienced this before with their dogs ?

Edited by danielt
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Her legs improved throughout the morning, and was able to stand up with a bit of effort.


Vet checked her over, but she was much better at that point.


Turned out to be her front left shoulder joint has jarred or something and is enflamed.


This morning it seamed to be her back leg too, but hay she's better now, limping but back to normal.


It was wierd, as soon as igot her to the vets she was able to walk and couldnt pull hard enough to get out of there.


Cost me £33.32 in anti inflamitry medicane.


But most of all she is ok. she was totally different this morning, thought she was at deaths door, then late morning she was near normal, but thats women for you being all melodramatic.


:D no exercise for her for the next couple of days




Late afternoon maraculous recovery, vey little limping I'm almost sure that she has consumed something toxic and the effects wore off.


A dog doesnt go from almost paralysed on her left side to running back to normal in less than 12 hours if she has damaged her shoulder joint.

Edited by danielt
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It was wierd, as soon as igot her to the vets she was able to walk and couldnt pull hard enough to get out of there.



there's the cure then, any more problems threaten to take her to the vets and she will recover and pull you home :D


glad she is ok now

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She was right as rain at bout 7pm last night, i was told to rest her, but she was having none of it so I took her out for a quickie. not even a hint of lameness in her leg.


If anything happens to her again I'm gonna leave it a bit longer to see if she improves before takin her to vets.


I paid £33 for 16ml of anti inflamitry liquid and havent used it yet, bit of a waste.

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