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Any Whippet Owners on here

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Mine grabs em but she aint big enough, got the bottle though. That web site your on about is probably the one owned by the bloke who bred my dog and he does reckon they do them but i don't know about you but that don't half look like a grew next to the fox :whistle:

Mine never turned out as big or muscley as her relatives and was nowhere near as big as tims (or as obedient and well trained) except i'd say she has more of the murderous instinct in there, somewhere amongst the sawdust :blink:

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At the end of the day if you want a fox dog, a pure whippet is not what you want. Many have the bottle but they are only 20", 30lb dogs - asking a bit much I reckon.

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The best dog I`ve owned was what you would call a grew, Whippet xGreyhound . She was just under 21in and would tackle anything. She was a natural catch dog , and would work all day . She did ok on the hares too, had really quick early pace and could catch a hare without putting a turn in on her better days lol. Her only fault was that she had a weak wrist due to an injury that never really cleared up.


All the lurchers I`ve owned have had whippet blood in them, that`s why I always wanted a ped whip, my bitch was a rescue so it`s been a hard road . She`s got there though , she was a nervous wreck when we took her on , not sure what had happened to her , but now 16 months later she`s a different dog.

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Back in the early 80`s when I lived in the U.K. I had working Whippets from the Stormalong line of dogs. They were bigger than your average Whippet, and could handle foxes no problem.


Currently I do most of my fox work with my Staghound bitch. But recently I purchased a Whippet (pedigree unknown), who`s sire looked very similar to the Stormalong dogs I had. He`s only 7 months old, so I havent done any work with him. Very soon, I will start him off on rabbits. But he will be at least 18 months to 2 years old before he takes on his first fox as I dont believe in starting them too early.

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yep thats the one some nice dogs my mates got a first x whippet/wheaton thats keen as mstad on foxes and hunts up marks hole he rats with it as well the sire was alaguna whippet.

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Guest nastybilly

whippets are fun dogs, but can do the busness when asked, stick to lampin ferretin and moochin with them and you cant go wrong, for there size there bravery will surprize you, and if you keep them fit and healthy they'll do you 7 days a week, iv never seen one refuse the chance of a chase

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Iv benn thinking about a whippet for my next running dog I reckon I d go for a lguna bred whippt and probably thinbk about putting a bedlington over it as I know a lad with some game bedlingons that have seen proper work but itll be a few year yet.

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Lagunas.......old hat, yesterday's dogs. Someone has already posted a list of lines you want to be looking for, or alternatively go for the larger whippets out of the racing lines. 26lbs +


The racing whippet owners offload big pups as they don't want a dog that will top 21" or 32lb and these can be bought cheaply (£150 -£200).


Keep away from the show stuff for obvious reasons.

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