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Ive had my bull terrier 15 month now & last few month since i moved back in with parents he's started to bark alot

he barks to go upstairs barks to go out back basicly he's barking for the sake ov it now just to get his own way [bANNED TEXT] its me on my own he dont get his own way he as a clip rnd the ear lol

but wenever [NO TEXT TALK] else is in they give into him, moaning about the noise he's making. He get took out twice aday for a good distance & gets fed plays on his spingpole & he plays with my other dog.

i just duno what 2 do to stop it its duin my biscuit in to be honest

Any ideas


Much apreciated

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Learn it to do basic commands like sit and heel in the lead. And then the dog may see you as the "leader" dont hit it just correct it with a loud and clear no. And maybe a hand signal showin the back of your hand, dont do it after it barks or it will get confused, make sure you check it whilst its in the wrong. It will take time but it will get you. Also dont give too much love and attention because dogs dont see affection the same as humans, giving too much affection brings you down to their level, allowing them to think the have some control( barking). Hope this helps : )

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Get your self a flirt pole and work him a one or two times a day for 10-15 mins at a time!! Should knacker him out a bit, also a great all body workout, you'll be surprised how quick you can wear out a dog with a flirt. Also I'd suggest getting him a bone so he's got something to do whilest your not about ? Just a suggestion..atb

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Just gotta tell everyone to ignore him while barking and praise/fuss when he's quiet.

Anything attention you give him regardless wether good or bad while hes barking is attention,which is what he's looking for imo.



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