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  On 12/12/2011 at 20:19, WANNABE ROOKIE said:
  On 12/12/2011 at 19:24, Aseel Man said:

wannabe rookie you surely are a rookie!!!! mate i dont wanna argue im having a discussion but even you or anybody else cannot tell if a birds pure/cross just by looking at them, handling them whatever until you know where the line begun.. and haha my birds, i keep a few but only pure aseels which i have got from india MYSELF and are 100% pure as my uncle started the line in 1981 and thats 30 years of lineage there mate. another thing is pure aseel dont mature till 18 months- 2 year old. Maybe this isnt the best stock but how can you tell there shamo thats the thing lol.. ive got a shamo x aseel stag he got alot of his mothers side which was pure shamo from jk, and he looks pure shamo, the most upright wings you can find and stance, bright yellow legs and beak,pea comb but i know myself hes a cross even though he doesnt look it many people would belive hes a pure shamo.





You've preached to the converted my friend, infact you've made your good self look a plum. If you read it again I said pure lines, not cross bred fowl. I'm glad you can trace gamefowl lines in your family back to 1981, but if that's so you would'nt have come out with such drivel to be honest.... We've had Japs in my family before most gamefowl men in the UK knew what a Shamo was - 1974 (other gamefowl like Asil, English fowl way, way before then) and still have that large Black Red Jap line now... I see you like to name drop, "JK" got her first pair of Shamo in 1989 and made her name with them, hmm let me think who she got them from... :whistling: Shame her new Lines from new Japanese eggs are'nt as good as the old school lines.

Oh another thing, I know how long large Asil take time to mature just like very large Shamo and Taiwans, in the mid 80's we had the large Hyderabads from Indian "eggs" that cocked out at 11.5 to almost 13lb, and they had "bright yellow legs and beak,pea comb" that you say is a Shamo soley feature ? I'd love to see some pics and sure others would of your fowl.

I suggest you stop being a book worm and reading the PCGB standards books and reading Ganoi. :thumbs:

aseel man you got to tip ya hat to rookie hes only learnin the game lol.......... and were duckwing he must be on hoilday
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if aseel man wants to send me eggs from is pure stock say a dozen i will hatch em and rear em and post them on ere for every one to see when they are 10 month ole i cant be fairer then that

now tell me what you think of this beauty, wannabe rookie you will never have anything as pure and quality in aseel as this mate.

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Thanks for letting me know what they are wannabe rookie. I have a good idea why the stag is asil x shamo, there from fighting birds, well thats what the bloke had said to me anyway while i was enquiring whos blood they are etc. but the spurs have been cut off. and yeah patterdale joel, im not trying to rip anyone off, tryed deleting this post, but wouldnt let me and i was told by a member off this forum to sell them as shamo and get my money back. and im only selling that pullet because there getting agressive as f**k towards each other. I wont be buying aseel or shamo again thats for sure! Think I need to do more research in future instead of just buying any old shite!


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milly go to wannabe rookie if you ever do hes got 'pure shamos' from japan before most people did lol and rookie please stop talking shit and thinking you know more about aseels, i was born there raised birds since i were 8 now im 29 and have been keeping them pure and tip top so lets finish at that, ill upload some birds tommorow no probs.

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  On 20/12/2011 at 18:52, WANNABE ROOKIE said:
  On 13/12/2011 at 05:54, slips said:

if aseel man wants to send me eggs from is pure stock say a dozen i will hatch em and rear em and post them on ere for every one to see when they are 10 month ole i cant be fairer then that :hmm:


Be a good Idea to see a few pics of his fowl first would'nt it slips? I know I'd like to see them as he promised to upload some pics. Be good to compare his so called "Indian" Asils to my Sindh Pakistani's.

yer your right i could end up raisin indine game for the table
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i have the same line as this came off my partner amliss which ant very good using birds unless crossed plus you owe amliss chickens that you have not given back i no who you are now you got sorted out with birds whichs was out of kindness and now you ant given back out of order ....aseel man

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  On 22/12/2011 at 22:13, Aseel Man said:

and any indian game in this slips?

what is it den if its not a indian game bird cos thats were they come from lol all jokes a side nice bird aseelman i like him are you still goin to send me eggs from these
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post-41525-0-34401300-1324634095_thumb.jpghe is that birds brother slips he shouldnt not be sending you nothink there not even hes birds he was surposed to return them and said they died ect the mans a waster and its not like there good at there job because there not
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