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Where do they go????

Guest smoothrun

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Guest smoothrun

Where i live i get to lamp some good ground with a good head of hares that i would of hunted iff there wasnt a ban so i leave them. But in the day there is never a hare to be seen. So where is the ideal place for a hare to sit the day out?????

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there is no difinitive answer mate. some hares prefer to lie up in the hedges or in woodland.


others in there forms in the centre of fields.


weather can play apart to, if you have fields that are uneaven or rise up slightly, the hare will often lie here getting out of the wind and weather.


but dont forget the woods, copses and rough set a side. one place i used to have the coursing rights on was like this . and i was for ever telling people i had invited to walk the rough. cos most of them just wanted to walk the centre field.


after they seen a few dozen get up in set a side and woodland they soon learnt there mistakes. TOMO :)

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Like Tomo says: and I remember a place we used to go where it was all big woods surrounding big fields: but if it was or had been raining the hares stayed in the woods, and even a line of beaters couldn't get them out: they just ran round in circles inside the woods. Also if the ground is what we cold a 'cold' ground, clay or other heavy ground, they don't like to sit on that in the winter, even though their favourite grub might be growing there: they tiptoe on to feed at night then vanish off again for the day: might move a few fields away or to lower, warmer ground.

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Hares have a brilliant sense of preservation often lying up where you least expect em to be and where they know they not get bothered any bit of rough or wood or as Ian says dykes especially on fen land will hold hares even if the fields look prime more so if theyve been bothered a lot. I can think of a few places too where they lie close to the nearest houses or farms only travelling at dusk and returning at dawn they dont care for weather as TOMO rightly says look for something thats shielded from the wind you can usually find old puss sat where he is most comfortable

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There is land just behind my house and hares are abundant there. Its a grass marsh land with big flat spaces in between. You can walk through there and loose count of how many you've seen. Dam that ban :whistle:



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  • 5 months later...
Guest quixflash

Here in my area of NZ any time of the day or night they are all over the pebble beaches. Its hard for the dogs as there is a lot of cover so they'd have to be really quick, and of course the ground is tough to run on. If the dogs work on ahead the hares run right back toward the gun! And of course no ban here.

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local to me hares hold up in the rough most of the time and then come out into the more open fields a night ...to hunt where i hunt them or should i say used to hunt them ..its a must for your dog to be able to use its nose or have a good bushing dog that your lurcher will work with ...a few pictures of the land they hold up in .......this land holds plenty of hares but they are hard to nail because they can disapear just as fast as the appear .........they will somtimes run into heavy cover and stop suddenly and sit tight ......you have to have a dog that can run with its head up if they need to.... and stay right on the back off them or they are gone .......





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