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FFS grow up the pair of you......my Dads bigger than your Dad !!

Hi mate,   As mentioned before it makes a change to have an honest post. But i'm not realy suprised folk arn't banging your door down to get the dog. He had a previous owner before you, who rejecte

FFS if the dog is a jacker do the right thing the bullx is not bred for bunnys if you want a dog for bunnys get a collie x grey or something

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no i did not say he jacked did i . isaid he ran it half hearted. but seeing as he isnt fit hes doing allright. and it dosent matter what other people think about as him hes my dog and im the only one he needs to impress.

atb adam

Why are you taking an unfit dog out and slipping it...........you said he's going to get a good home but seems like you're not giving the dog a proper chance, get him fit then take him out.

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no i did not say he jacked did i . isaid he ran it half hearted. but seeing as he isnt fit hes doing allright. and it dosent matter what other people think about as him hes my dog and im the only one he needs to impress.

atb adam

Why are you taking an unfit dog out and slipping it...........you said he's going to get a good home but seems like you're not giving the dog a proper chance, get him fit then take him out.

:yes: :yes:


Just throw it out the back of the motor Johnny, they don't need walked do they :laugh:

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no i did not say he jacked did i . isaid he ran it half hearted. but seeing as he isnt fit hes doing allright. and it dosent matter what other people think about as him hes my dog and im the only one he needs to impress.

atb adam

Why are you taking an unfit dog out and slipping it...........you said he's going to get a good home but seems like you're not giving the dog a proper chance, get him fit then take him out.

:yes: :yes:


Just throw it out the back of the motor Johnny, they don't need walked do they :laugh:

Just makes me laugh bear he's harping on about giving this dog the best but then saying he's running it unfit...........common sense ain't so common !!

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Why keep banging on and on and on ... dogs got a home. Lad who had it is happy, lad who took it is happy. Ffs just leave it already.

Yes he's happy with it but by his own admission is running it unfit..........makes you question does he have the dogs best interest at heart. :thumbs:


I'm not having a crack at the lad more his methods..........the dogs had a rough start being passed around 3 owners before its 2 now the new owner is running it unfit.Not ideal you've got to admit.

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I suppose so Johnny but he's giving it a go ... and he seems committed. I've made mistakes with my dogs (and still do if I'm honest :laugh:), but my intentions are good and I learn from those mistakes. Maybe this lad will too? At least the dog is appreciated for what it is and what it could be instead of what it was, if you get me.

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