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Tools the lads i go out with are working companions, if ye start loving a dog and treating it like ye best mate ye make excuses for faults and the dogs lack of skill or progress next thing ye know ye

Working companion, you have to have a bond with a dog to get the best out of it, unless your a point and slip merchant and require little or no training, but to me that is not what a lurcher is all a

Its a working dog site, you shouldnt have to justify your reason on here.

I am curious hedz31 to your quote word culled how did you dispatch the said dog/dogs with a spade to back of the head.

Or the the vets cant see you spending the £80 at the vets





why the fook would you ask that question, something iffy about you blink.png


Nowt iffy he stated the word culling I am only highlighting it

nowt iffy lol ye was waznting to grass me up te the social on another thread cause a said i refuse te work ye defo sound a bit iffy to me lol


Thats why you PMd me last night back peddling on wanting to take me out and then asked me about a job.


Talking of grassing you said yorshirehunter was a pal then got him banned again under a diffrent username strange



wanting to take you out lol a wunt take thee to pakki shop an as for back peddling give over man its the facking net ffs get a grip an as for yorkshire i dint know he was on here as claude lol well not till ian said an he rung me earlier if ad a known then it wouldnt have got a mention..... why even come on here if tha casnt handle a bit a banter whats tha wanner do fight every c**t that gives thee a bit a shit lol lolo
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id grass you up for that old timer.



it amazes me why folk would grass folk up for stuff that has nowt to do with them, if only my life was that easy i could find time to care about what guy next door/other side a the keyboard does with himself :icon_eek: :icon_eek:


as long as you pay tax like i have to, i wouldnt grass you dotty for taking heroin thats your business

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id grass you up for that old timer.



it amazes me why folk would grass folk up for stuff that has nowt to do with them, if only my life was that easy i could find time to care about what guy next door/other side a the keyboard does with himself :icon_eek: :icon_eek:


as long as you pay tax like i have to, i wouldnt grass you dotty for taking heroin thats your business


if only you knew :laugh:

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Its definatly gone far out this thread its in the lurcher section weve had a disscusion on my breeding and working culling etc of terriers and then it went to folks in work and not in work now its gone to heroin and grassing :laugh: :laugh:

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Its definatly gone far out this thread its in the lurcher section weve had a disscusion on my breeding and working culling etc of terriers and then it went to folks in work and not in work now its gone to heroin and grassing :laugh: :laugh:


religion an politics next :laugh:

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Its definatly gone far out this thread its in the lurcher section weve had a disscusion on my breeding and working culling etc of terriers and then it went to folks in work and not in work now its gone to heroin and grassing :laugh: :laugh:


religion an politics next :laugh:

Or the brick. :icon_eek:



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One thing i cannot understand, if a dog is only a tool to kill quarry. Why use a dog?

Surely there are easier and cheaper ways of controlling the quarry.


My point being, even those big hard men who call them tools don't REALLY mean it, because for most dog people the end result (The kill) is not really the aim, the aim is to see YOUR DOG do well in its 'profession' (for want of a better word) if it were for just the kill then as i said, there are much easier cheaper ways to do it.

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