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What's the problem with being gay?

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A well known member of this site has confided in me via PM that he is gay ,I would never betray him , but I think it,s sad he has to keep it secret , the poor fker even moved to a scandinavian country

My best mate is gay. Been my best pal since we was 5-6. I had no idea untill he told me when we was 18 (6 years ago)! It took a while to get my head round but im cool with it now. Iv met his boyfriend

Is that you Darcy?............lol lol

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there's just something not quite right about a bloke being more feminine than most women!!!

don't be saying that round simon...he was born that way

he's not on at the moment........................he slammed his laptop down and stormed out to go and buy some body butter when someone commented that he looks a bit peaky today. :laugh:

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:laugh: He is a claustrophobe/agrophobe but most guys are homophobes :laugh: Classic :laugh:




I hate that attention seeking f****r. When people think of gay people they always think of freaks like him and alan carr and I completely understand people not liking gay people if that's what you think they are all like. I don't like super-camp people, it's as irritating as pierres morgans smug face, but they are easy to ignore so f**k em. I am just saying, you will meet hundreds of gay men and women in your life (and probably have friends and family who are gay) without ever realising it. Most are no different, except they don't find the opposite sex attractive.


Anyway this thread doesn't need to drag on forever, does anyone have a genuine issue with gays except for that it isn't considered natural? Because that seems a limper argument than Louie Spence's wrists

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:laugh: He is a claustrophobe/agrophobe but most guys are homophobes :laugh: Classic :laugh:




I hate that attention seeking f****r. When people think of gay people they always think of freaks like him and alan carr and I completely understand people not liking gay people if that's what you think they are all like. I don't like super-camp people, it's as irritating as pierres morgans smug face, but they are easy to ignore so f**k em. I am just saying, you will meet hundreds of gay men and women in your life (and probably have friends and family who are gay) without ever realising it. Most are no different, except they don't find the opposite sex attractive.


Anyway this thread doesn't need to drag on forever, does anyone have a genuine issue with gays except for that it isn't considered natural? Because that seems a limper argument than Louie Spence's wrists

yes, they drink alco pops.

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