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Guest baldie

This country has always been fortunate, in that brave men from Scotland, Wales, ireland, and england have stood together and fought for queen and country. Also, not forgetting thousands of men from outposts, and colonies who also fought and died for these islands, especially, the ghurka,s to whom this country owes a very great debt.

Wasn,t Sgt Ian McKay, from the black watch? Another famous regiment, this lilly livered b*****d government wants to do away with. :no:

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A bit off the topic but being in the infantry you get the feeling everyone has had enough most of us are on our 2 or third tour of afgan or iraq ,i wont lie we have a right good laugh doing shit most of you will never dream of,haveing some rag head in your sights is more fun than a bloody rabbit ,ive got mates that have 3 or four confirmed kills and they have the video to prove it,but with the way afgan is going its the first time ive seen mates shiting themselves ,ive got a lot of mates in the mortar platoon going over there on Saturday and they have been on the piss for weeks partying like its there last day on earth.Another war or conflict with some shitty hellhole over oil or bullshit weapons of mass destruction and that will be the end of the armed forces in this country ,there are a lot of people signing off , the hours were working takes the piss and the money is a bag of bollocks but most of all your just not appreciated in this country like the yanks are over there squaddies.

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