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Training a pup!

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Hi I do a bit ov shooting with my pal and I was thinking about getting a gundog, wt is the best dog to get? Also how to train it and wud it b possible to train any dog? The reaso I ask and this myt sound stupid but I have a staff pup and wanted to no if I could train him? Cheers Ryan!

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Depends if you want things retrieved or ripped into tiny pieces and eaten! Seriously though it wouldn't be impossible to mould a staffy into something resembling a gundog but it would take a lot of work even for an experienced trainer (which judging by your post you're not). From your post I'm guessing you're rough shooting so it's spaniels for you. As regards training, there are some good books out there but I'd defenatly recommend finding a club.

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From my own bitter experience do as much research as you possibly can before getting the dog. Think it through and make sure you've got the time and motivation to see it through. Then find a good trainer and keep up lessons and do exactly as they say.

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why not i have seen a staffy bushing and a collie catching, staffys if brought up right will work like a terrier bushing and its just a step further to get him to retrieve, if your just after a dog to have a walk out with then get the pup working he will have a much more fulfilled life. If you fancy a spaniel or other gun breed go fo it but i would utilise your pup just for the hell of it.......Then what do i know i work a labradoodle!!

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