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Comments by Jermey Clarkson

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Clarkson plays a certain character, and these comments are part of it. :yes: He's also been derogatory about the Welsh, the Yanks, the French, etc in the past. He's a funny bloke, and if you can get past his TV caricature and read a few of his books he's actually an intelligent bloke who speaks a lot of sense. :yes::thumbs:

Have you ever read the story when he tried to shoot a fox which was killing his chickens.....I cried reading it :laugh:




Got himself tooled up with a dodgy pair of Russian NV goggles, bottle of wine, shotgun & bar stool! :clapper:

:laugh: ....I get his book at xmas, i think that story was in the one with all his news paper articles from the year made into a book. Didnt he blow a spade or a wheel barrow to bits thinking it was the fox?... :D


..aye and one of his chickens! :laugh: Did either of you see that Children in Need parody they done a few years back: Top gear ground force? He was 'pruning' a tree and 'digging up' weeds with his 12 bore! :laugh: Daft shite, but real funny! :D

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clarkson is one of the few celebrity's who publicly sticks up for hunting so thats all that matters to me, he is a legend!!!

He,s a tit who thinks it,s funny to be controversial , the people who went on strike , arn,t militant or left wing or extreemists of any sort , just average people backed in to a corner , because the

my missus has one of those guilt edged pensions hes on about. she has to pay 7.5 percent of her wage into it. they now want to take more off her ,pay out less and make her wait an extra 4 years to cla

Jeremy Clarkson=bumptious arsehole.

???? f*ck me if mr bumptious arshole carn't go on brittish t.v, and have a bit of banter ? what next ? he did say in one of his shows he was going to blow torch one of his nipples off ! are you a caravaner ?


I just think he is a bumptious arsehole from what i've head of him and read of him. I think a little bit of him goes a l....o....n....g way.


I'd love to watch him blowtorch off one of his nipples.


What's ' a caravaner'?

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this country is now far behond a fecking joke :censored: jesus fecking christ,a bloke makes a controversial statement(to some) and it gets 2nd slot on the ten oclock news and 1st on question time :censored: wtf is happening to this place :censored: people saying he should be sacked :icon_eek: get a fecking grip, they should be taken outside an shot :thumbs:


I know what you're saying mate, and i agree, but if we are going to have free speech, lets have it across the board and not just for what benefits government objectives.

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