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Comments by Jermey Clarkson

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clarkson is one of the few celebrity's who publicly sticks up for hunting so thats all that matters to me, he is a legend!!!

He,s a tit who thinks it,s funny to be controversial , the people who went on strike , arn,t militant or left wing or extreemists of any sort , just average people backed in to a corner , because the

my missus has one of those guilt edged pensions hes on about. she has to pay 7.5 percent of her wage into it. they now want to take more off her ,pay out less and make her wait an extra 4 years to cla

I heard from an unreliable source Jeremy lives in the isle of man so the strike would never of effected him anyway an he's only living in the isle of man so he pays less tax

Yes he lives here , though i think its more to do with his wife being from here than tax .............then again maybe it is the tax , though who could blame him when you see what his tax would be spent on in U.K.
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I heard from an unreliable source Jeremy lives in the isle of man so the strike would never of effected him anyway an he's only living in the isle of man so he pays less tax

Yes he lives here , though i think its more to do with his wife being from here than tax .............then again maybe it is the tax , though who could blame him when you see what his tax would be spent on in U.K.

ye foreign b*****ds stead a true bitish citizens
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my missus has one of those guilt edged pensions hes on about. she has to pay 7.5 percent of her wage into it. they now want to take more off her ,pay out less and make her wait an extra 4 years to claim it.that sounds like a shit deal to me if ever i saw one. its the people at the top of the public sector ladder who get massive wages ,pay no contributions then get a massive pension to walk away with.

My missus is in the same boat a lot think these pensions are only for them at the top and forget about the thousands of care workers dinner ladies and other essential jobs done by workers on low pay who these pension cutts are affecting wile the bankers still get their fekin bonusus.
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gordon browns pension reforms made private sector pensions far to expensive for most companys hence the stackholder pension were ev erybody has the chance to save for a pension so if this was good enough for the private sector , i think mr osbourne should just freeze all public sector pensions and offer them stackholder pensions then everybody would be on a level playingfied end of arguement but all those teachers etc won t see it like that

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f*ck me ! if he was a muslim he'd be given a house and all the benifits just to shut him up ! this countries so f*cked up it's unreal ! if he can't go on british t.v. and have a bit of banter and a bit of a piss take well i'm sorry we all should just turn off our t.v's and crawl back under our shells ! ffs lighten up ! there's people on some talk radio that want the guy sacked !!!!!!!!!! for what ! jesus f*ck get a f*cking grip ! he's why we all turn on the t.v. so come on get a f*cking grip and wise up !

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