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bit ov advies got stoped by police tonight

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Is there a specific letter you have to get land owners to sign or can they just write a short letter saying your allowed on land? Dont get much hassle in my Country but would be handy having your permissions written from farmers on small cards that you could laminate an keep in your jacket all the time.

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Is there anything more irritating than a cop preaching you about the law and you know for a fact he's wrong? shockingly unprofessional.....how can they possibly be out policing if they don't even know

make a formal complaint, harassment.

Yes it DOE'S have to be written. If you don't have your permission letter with you, how doe's the cop know you have permission ? .... OH !! That's right !!! He 'phones the farmer or landowner at 3 o'c

Is there a specific letter you have to get land owners to sign or can they just write a short letter saying your allowed on land? Dont get much hassle in my Country but would be handy having your permissions written from farmers on small cards that you could laminate an keep in your jacket all the time.

There's a few that you can download online, but as it's been said, you don't legally need written permission to lamp rabbits.

If you do want to carry permission letters with you, it looks more formal and professional if they're written on headed paper, then photocopied so the original doesn't get wet/lost.

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The "Hunting Act 2004" is such a badly advised, badly thought out, badly draughted, badly constructed law, that no one is exactly sure how to interpret the "gray" areas, So if the police, magistrate, judge, etc says you need a written permision letter and you say you don;t.... you better get a very good, very expensive btief !!! Far easier , if you have permissionn get a letter !



Edited by chartpolski
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Is there a specific letter you have to get land owners to sign or can they just write a short letter saying your allowed on land? Dont get much hassle in my Country but would be handy having your permissions written from farmers on small cards that you could laminate an keep in your jacket all the time.

There's a few that you can download online, but as it's been said, you don't legally need written permission to lamp rabbits.

If you do want to carry permission letters with you, it looks more formal and professional if they're written on headed paper, then photocopied so the original doesn't get wet/lost.


Thanks mate. You got a link by any chance?

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The "Hunting Act 2004" is such a badly advised, badly thought out, badly draughted, badly constructed law, that no one is exactly sure how to interpret the "gray" areas, So if the police, magistrate, judge, etc says you need a written permision letter and you say you don;t.... you better get a very good, very expensive btief !!! Far easier , if you have permissionn get a letter !



a judge would state what is in black and white, simple as that. And if you have permission, just not a letter, you wouldn't end up in court anyway! unless the farmer denied giving you permission which would be a bit of an odd thing to do!

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The "Hunting Act 2004" is such a badly advised, badly thought out, badly draughted, badly constructed law, that no one is exactly sure how to interpret the "gray" areas, So if the police, magistrate, judge, etc says you need a written permision letter and you say you don;t.... you better get a very good, very expensive btief !!! Far easier , if you have permissionn get a letter !



you could start an argument in an empty room!

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The "Hunting Act 2004" is such a badly advised, badly thought out, badly draughted, badly constructed law, that no one is exactly sure how to interpret the "gray" areas, So if the police, magistrate, judge, etc says you need a written permision letter and you say you don;t.... you better get a very good, very expensive btief !!! Far easier , if you have permissionn get a letter !



you could start an argument in an empty room!


I didn't realise my post was an "argument". Sorry if you thought it was. I was just talking sense, and would rather lads didn't get into bother ! I've NEVER had permission, by the way; and have allways walked "on the other side of the fence", and been caught and sentenced accordingly, and nowadays have a bit more sense. I still do it, but try to avoid confrontation. If my posts offend you, there's a simple remedy.... don't read them ! :thumbs:



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Its simple enough to get on microsoft word and knock something up, just leaving blanks where the farmer is to write his name, address etc. EG: I Mr/Mrs ......................... of ............... farm, address............................................................. hereby give Mr/Mrs..................... permission to control rabbits, hares, foxes, deer on the above property using any and all legal means. Signed.................... Date.................... Print it off, get the blanks filled in, laminate it and keep it in the glovebox.

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Not offended at all pal....what i'm saying though is that its not a legal requirement so the law couldn't hammer you for not having it......and if they tried the shittest lawyer in the world could overturn it cos its not law!


know what you're saying though...having it reduces the hassle if you do get pulled.

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Is there a specific letter you have to get land owners to sign or can they just write a short letter saying your allowed on land? Dont get much hassle in my Country but would be handy having your permissions written from farmers on small cards that you could laminate an keep in your jacket all the time.

There's a few that you can download online, but as it's been said, you don't legally need written permission to lamp rabbits.

If you do want to carry permission letters with you, it looks more formal and professional if they're written on headed paper, then photocopied so the original doesn't get wet/lost.


Thanks mate. You got a link by any chance?

There's one on the BASC website: www.basc.org.uk

If it's not exactly as you'd like it, you can simply alter the wording accordingly :thumbs:

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It's ilegal to hunt ANY mammal with dogs, day or night, including rabbits ! Rabbits and rats have an exemption ONLY if you hav WRITTEN PERMISSION from the landowner or tenant, so if you didn;t have written permission, and you were lamping, then the copper was right !! Any amount of barrack room lawyers will tell you it's ok to lamp rabbits; but believe me, IT'S NOT unless you have WRITTEN PERMISSION !!!



doesn't have to be written does it? the law just says permission doesn't it?


it says written for terrier work but not for rabbiting/ratting.


Yes it DOE'S have to be written. If you don't have your permission letter with you, how doe's the cop know you have permission ? .... OH !! That's right !!! He 'phones the farmer or landowner at 3 o'clock in the morning to check, and pisses him off so you lose whatever permission you had !



ive been pulled before gave them the perrmission letter and they still phoned the farmer at daft oclock think this particular copper had a bee in his bonnet but the farmer was sound luckily,so from now on when we go to this farm we give the local cop shop a ring and tell them when we expect to be there and for how long as advised by the farmer.
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mate thats pants i wouldnt even speak to the b*****ds unless no chioce , any guy stopping aman and adog isnt doing his durty to keep country safe and any clown phones farmer late at nite wants done for harasment abn old farmer i know from south aragh if they evem come up the drive they get told to fech off unless they have been something stolen for insurance purposes ,nees not alover of the authorities

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