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bit ov advies got stoped by police tonight

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on the way home tonight me and a mate got stoped by a police car and they got out and said what we were doing was ilegle lamping rabbits at night now i know this is a load of bull and i said to him that it wernt and asked him why every time we have been stopped by the police befour they have only done a quick stop check and let us carry on with the night and his reply to that was the other police men didnt know the law and then he started saying about the hunting act and i said to that was its only ilegle to lamp hare/fox/badger/deer and he said no its still ilegle to lamp any game at night so he took my name and were i lived and said they will be in touch with me do i have any thing to worry about

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Is there anything more irritating than a cop preaching you about the law and you know for a fact he's wrong? shockingly unprofessional.....how can they possibly be out policing if they don't even know

make a formal complaint, harassment.

Yes it DOE'S have to be written. If you don't have your permission letter with you, how doe's the cop know you have permission ? .... OH !! That's right !!! He 'phones the farmer or landowner at 3 o'c

on the way home tonight me and a mate got stoped by a police car and they got out and said what we were doing was ilegle lamping rabbits at night now i know this is a load of bull and i said to him that it wernt and asked him why every time we have been stopped by the police befour they have only done a quick stop check and let us carry on with the night and his reply to that was the other police men didnt know the law and then he started saying about the hunting act and i said to that was its only ilegle to lamp hare/fox/badger/deer and he said no its still ilegle to lamp any game at night so he took my name and were i lived and said they will be in touch with me do i have any thing to worry about

a rabbit is not game its classed as vermin hes wrong and lying to you as long as you have permission your doing nothing wrong

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dont worry about it pal you probaly want even here owt from them.......i got pulled a few weeks ago was just on my night walk i had my dogs and lamp with me and the copper up next to me (jumped up c**t) tryed telling me i was bracking the law this and that so i told him it he didnt even no the hunting law because i wer'nt bracking any laws and even if i was going lamping for rabbits on my permission there was nowt he could do and he just drove off!!! :boogy:

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as long as you lamping rabbits on permision not illegal,


true, if you not and you were poaching rabbits then its illegal, i now its crap, because if you had permision its (still) a rabbit..? and you would be ok .! the only thing you can lamp is rabbits+ rats, (with) permision. :yes:

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