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Tyla and Willows trip to Lincolnshireland.

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Well Tyla and Willow arrived on my doorstep after a long journey up the A1 on a friday evening, I havent seen willow since she left my kennel at 8 weeks old but i have been getting regular reports of her progress and it was nice to see how she has turned out, she is almost identical in looks to her mum but has a slightly heavier frame which she gets from her dad.


Saturday morning we headed over to a small piece of permission to ferret a long hedge row, Tyla had brought some long nets which we set up down one side of the hedge and left the other side for Willow to run, i had both my dogs on the netted side, we were using my 2 jills and my massive hob bilbo, after ten minutes there was no sign of ferrets or rabbits then suddenly Taff my big dog pricked up his ears and started marking a hole, then we heard the squeal of a rabbit and thumping, through the hedge i saw Tyla dive to the ground and after a few seconds of wriggling pull out a nice fat rabbit with all 3 ferrets attached to it, the jills dropped off after a few words of encouragement and bilbo eventualy let go only to give Tyla a nip on his thumb :icon_redface:. as the ferts made their way down the hedge the rabbits started to bolt, most were caught in the long nets two more were pulled from holes with ferrets stuck to them and several tried to escape across the field on willows side but only one made it to safety as that pup is quick!

We packed up at lunchtime with a total of 12 rabbits in the bag.


We got home and fed the dogs so they had time to digest it before we headed out later that night. Tyla and i spent the afternoon drinking tea and talking about past adventures.


Having endured an hour watching some singing competition on the TV we couldnt take any more and headed off to a farm i do the odd bit of work on. as it was only 9.30 i decided to have a look at a couple of fields ive never lamped before, unfortunately we had to enter the first field with the wind at our backs and a quick shine revealed 2 rabbits sat out in the field and a herd of fallow next to the hedge, Wilow had first run so Tyla started to walk her up to the first bunny, as he flicked lamp on bunny was off like a rocket so willow had a long slip but caught up to it in no time and managed to keep the pressure on it making it keep bouncing out of the hedge but eventualy it made its lucky escape. next run was Jess`s so i walked towards the second and slightly larger bunny and slipped her, she was on it in a second and about to strike when it jinked and jinked again, it suddenly dawned on me that this was one of those Special lincolnshire bunnys you hear about, after several twists n turns it also made the hedge and safety. a walk around the second field showed nothing at home so we headed back through the first field and back to my normal ground, willows next run lasted a good 3 minutes as she was turned again and again in an area no bigger than 50 meters, it was another bloody lincs rabbit, but willow stuck to it like a pro and only just missed it.

Desperate to get some rabbits infront of Willow we tried the small paddock by the farm, Jess had a nice run and caught the first one of the night, as she brought it back to me Tyla slipped willow on a squatter only to have Jess join in still carrying her catch, she spat it out just as willow caught her rabbit, behind them i saw a rabbit quietly hop into the hedge and realised that it was jess`s bloody bunny :censored: Well jess upped her game and caught 5 more after that as Tyla noticed willow had a slight injury and didnt want her breaking so he didnt run her anymore that night. nights bag 6 rabbits but shouldve been 7 :whistling:


Sunday, Willow seems to have recovered from her suspect injury so we head off to finish ferreting yesterdays hedge, Today a friend of mine is tagging along with his young collie whippet bitch just so she can watch, ive left Taff at home as he seems to have a swollen joint so he has been given some Arnica and is watching Hollyoaks omnibus with the kids.

the rabbits are slow to bolt today and we finaly get 4 in the bag, we net up a small bury in the middle of the paddock and enter two jills, we hold willow and jess back as we are hoping for the pup to get a chance to hold in the nets and we succeed, the youngster does well holding and lets go as soon as she is told, this bitch is going to be a cracking dog in another ten months or so.


Home again, dogs fed, cups of tea and the world put to rights, dinner, van fuelled up and loaded and we are off down to Norfolkshire and the farm of another owner of one of the pups,


Quick cuppa and chat as the two sisters have a play fight and mum hogs the sofa then we are off into the dark,

First run is our hosts pup Nelly, she is smaller and leaner than willow, and a bit of a loon.

Farmer slips nelly and she runs the beam like a pro and neatly flicks the rabbit out of the hedge and strikes, after a quick victory lap nelly is back on the slip and its willows turn as we walk through a gateway into a huge field, a shine shows a single rabbit scuttling back and willow is slipped at a hell of a distance, several flicks and turns later and shes back with her prize, Farmer is amazed by willows speed as she runs completely different from her sister, willow runs like her dad the colliegrey and nelly like her mum the bitsa.

Jess is up next and after a couple of blank fields we finally get a run, and mother shows the kids how its done, as i go to pick up the bunny i notice a lot of blood on the ground and on jess`s foot, yep first run of the night and shes cut her pad badly so thats her night finished and as i inspect her foot my lamp dies :censored: farmer walks back to get the truck and when he returns he opens the back to reveal Nelly had another run and a big catch. after dropping jess back at the farmhouse and patching her up we have another run out with willow and nelly but after several runs and bumping into things they arent quite ready for we call it a night. 3 very tired lurchers and 3 knackered owners.


we didnt get a huge total for a weekends sport but all involved had great fun and some new friendships made.


sorry for the huge post but it was a busy weekend.

pics should be up tonight.


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Well Tyla and Willow arrived on my doorstep after a long journey up the A1 on a friday evening, I havent seen willow since she left my kennel at 8 weeks old but i have been getting regular reports of

Great write up, really enjoyed it ......But just couldn't resist this        

A few more from the weekend

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Great write up Pete, but please you need to learn our code, we dont invite outsiders into Lincolnshire :laugh::thumbs:


Its ok Simoman, i have declared the area around me Petesland, just working on the flag and currency atmo.


Anyway it helps the lincolnshire gene pool......... ah i see what you mean, fresh blood could pollute the generations of inbreeding :tongue2:

Edited by sussexpoacher
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Great write up Pete, but please you need to learn our code, we dont invite outsiders into Lincolnshire :laugh::thumbs:


Its ok Simoman, i have declared the area around me Petesland, just working on the flag and currency atmo.


Anyway it helps the lincolnshire gene pool......... ah i see what you mean, fresh blood could pollute the generations of inbreeding :tongue2:


Great write up, really enjoyed it :thumbs: ......But just couldn't resist this






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