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What should I think about this?

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Hey, new here and have a quick question. I'm from Belgium, but living in Sweden now for a year, training a sleddogteam for some races.


I own a Basenji myself, and a couple of weeks ago I was walking when I bumped in to 2 guys who where ferreting. My dog was unleashed, and at the moment we passed them, a rabbit jumped over a net (or got under it or something) and my dog instantly turned around and got it. 1 of the guys was very impressed by it's speed and agility, and invited me to let him take some more. So said, so done. Couple more rabbits came out and he caught all of them without trouble. The guy told me he had 2 lurchers he got when he was living in Wales, and that my dog was about as fast and more agile then his lurchers.

Now, today I saw him again, and he told me his Border Collie was in heat, and he asked me if to let my dog mate with her. He would then keep a male from that litter to mate to his grey x whip later on.


So I'm curious now. Haven't heard before of Lurchers with Basenji in them. Has that been done before? Would it add anything usefull?

I have no problem helping him out if it would be a good idea, but if he doesn't know what he's talking about, then I can better just tell him I don't like the idea.


So what are your thoughts about this?

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Wecome to the forum, never heard of a basenji bred lurcher but he may not have the variety of stud dogs to choose fromover there. If he's seen the dog catch and its impressed him enough to ask for a line then why not? It would be different if yours was a bitch and you had all the work of the pups but if he's keen and your happy cant see a major problem. Your dog will probably enjoy it too lol!

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