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racist britain?????

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there will be no strain in the relationship if hes gay,there wont be a relationship.


as for his woman to be she will be a white british christian or he will have no ties to me im afraid.


I was about to ask if you were religious! I would have bet on it. I feel bad for your son, he should be able to make his own decisions :no:.


same people who moan about " the youth of today" say let kids make there own decisions there is a fine line and mine will be on the right side of that line.


morals an discipline are things kids growing up today lack.

some might say that it's immoral to drum into your kid that what's in his DNA is morally wrong!


is it really in DNA tho? said the other day albeit tongue in cheek that you never see a gay down syndrome, something to think about.


and before anyone starts i have no prob with the bandits or disabled. :thumbs:

Yes, it is in your DNA bud.


......and how on earth would you know the sexuality of a person with down syndrome? you might have seen loads of gay people with down syndrome for all you know?

because they're the horniest fuckers your likely to meet!

i worked with them for a year,and they make it very clear who they are attracted to.


is it just a coincidence that as it becomes more socially acceptable there are more gays?


and were all our ancestors all idiots to not accept them?


The media push their agenda on us too much already for parents to say it's an acceptable lifestyle.

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anyone who dislikes the "multiculturism "experiment that consequtive governments have tried out(and failed), can usually be kept quiet by by branding them with that old carrot "RACIST"

Racism?Its a fear-word,a subduing spin-word to keep people from saying whats exactly on their minds,I am watching al-jazeera,at this very moment in Tehran with the tacit approval of the leaders,and po

like that youtube video .she didnt go about it very well but if the majority of us on here are honest she was screaming what most of us were thinking .

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No offence blan but I find having a discussion with you about anything related to ethnics, gays, the legal system or the police a bit pointless.


I find your opinion on any of those subjects to be near enough identical to the main stream medias.


turn off the news and read (or at least think) :victory:


I also don't recall writing anything racist,but that probably doesn't fit in with the 'right wing bad,left wing good' rhetoric your fed.

Edited by blan89
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its a hard read lol


Tell me about it.......and its all real writing wheres the pictures :D ......wish i did have the patience to read it and the brain power to take it in to be honest.

lol true gnasher not a picture in sight.ive read it years ago,did i take it.well thats another question haha

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mein kampf

The original title was something like "My four years and a half years of struggle against lies stupidity and cowardice" but Hitlers publisher or one of his confidants convinced him brevity was key and that mein kampf was a catchier title :laugh:

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mein kampf

The original title was something like "My four years and a half years of struggle against lies stupidity and cowardice" but Hitlers publisher or one of his confidants convinced him brevity was key and that mein kampf was a catchier title :laugh:


think it was hess mate,he was jailed with him and helped him write it.funny how he turned up in a field in ayrshire lol actually a sin how he was treated.

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mein kampf

The original title was something like "My four years and a half years of struggle against lies stupidity and cowardice" but Hitlers publisher or one of his confidants convinced him brevity was key and that mein kampf was a catchier title :laugh:

if only he'd taken notice of some of his confidants on a few other matters!

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how do you boys feel about most your top athletes flying the union jack.lot from different colours and cultures.eg amir khan so on.


I don't mind, they'll get my support regardless of their colour if they're representing my country. Those people are actually doing something for our country.


Big up!!! BRAAAAAAAAPPPPPP! Blood, ya get me 8) .

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how do you boys feel about most your top athletes flying the union jack.lot from different colours and cultures.eg amir khan so on.


i wont lie to you mate i dont fully support them tbh.


though i do have ethnic friends and have no problem living amoungst some ethnics, but surely weve enough here now its beyond a joke?


as i said above i dont mind them and will live along side them, i wouldnt be happy if my sister married one does that make me a racist????

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