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Harris hawk with yellow tounge

Lee C

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Hi all I fed my harris up on a bit of pheasant with the head on Tuesday and just noticed he had a yellow scaly tongue that I thought looked like frounce so off to the vets. On closer inspection he had a ring that had gone bad tightly wrapped around the base of his tounge. This was one of the small bands of the trackier wind pipe of the pheasant that had slipped over his tounge and stuck fast like an elastic band cutting the blood supply. He is not out of the wood and my loose the tounge. Please all check your birds mouths in the next few days as I feel so bad I did not notice this any earlier.

Check check and check again !!!

All the best

Lee c


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  On 29/11/2011 at 18:23, Millet said:

Fook me ive heard nothing like it..i will stick with the saying i heard year's ago..if they is something out there to harm the hawk it will sure find it..


No sh*t !

Always seems to happen to me my llast bird didn't even make it to me! He got hit by a car the day before collection.

The breeder a friend was getting him going while I finished the aviary off.

Sh*t luck or what !!

All the best


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  On 02/12/2011 at 17:41, rotton123 said:

oh man you could do with a bit of luck sorry to hear about the bird hope he recovers and is out hunting again soon


happy hunting

Got back from vets and he is going to be ok the yellow scabs are pealing away and his tounge is pink underneath.

He is at fat weight so will slowly bring him down slowly and get him flying again.

He will be left with a small kink in his tounge, small price to pay the vet say a couple more days and we would have lost the tounge. Excellent vet Ian Fitzgerald at staverton near daventry. He does running dogs as well and would highly recommend him as he was recommended to me.

Hope you all have a good season

Best wishes


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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 20/12/2011 at 23:57, CityHunter.uK said:

Lee it sounds like if you fell into a bucket of tits you would come out sucking your thumb



Thats the funniest quote that I've heard in a long time it made me laugh out loud . :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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