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Scariest film ever???

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Wolf Creek. more f@cked up than scary but pretty harrowing all the same (to my innocent fragile mind anyhow)

when it 1st came out (the Exorcist ) , saw that and had a prob sleeping that night :laugh: .. Like most things not bad now , but back then did the trick :thumbs:

when the Exorcist first got re-released me, my bird and my mate went to watch it on the cinema and sat on the front row......I won't lie to you, I feckin shat myself!!!! (not literally).


Saw it again a couple of years later on the small screen and it seemed lame. Not sure if it's because of the added subliminal images and sounds that they included in the film? that they had more of an effect on a bigger screen than when watching it on telly?

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Watch the trailers on some of these,the worlds 50 scariest horror movies.



Cheers for that millet some good ones on there. Salems lot was on there!!! I was shi*ting bricks that night when i went to bed as a kid, great film for its time!

The list is "ok" but any list with jaws, exorcist and poltergeist in its top ten isnt going to be great.

Maybe there simply isnt such a thing as a proper scary film. :cray:

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Watch the trailers on some of these,the worlds 50 scariest horror movies.



Cheers for that millet some good ones on there. Salems lot was on there!!! I was shi*ting bricks that night when i went to bed as a kid, great film for its time!

The list is "ok" but any list with jaws, exorcist and poltergeist in its top ten isnt going to be great.

Maybe there simply isnt such a thing as a proper scary film. :cray:

scary is a personel thing trappa,what amuses some scares the shit out of others
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these scary ones you're on about, are they gorey ones or ghostly ones? I find the ghostly ones the scariest, the gorey ones are usually a bit lame.

Ye ghostly or psychological scary. The gory ones are usually sh*te.

Ive been given the heads up on "grotesque" and "a serbian film".

Ive watched all the cannibal and zombie ones, and the old eighties fulci and argento films, im just after something different.


the serbian one, would that be THREE MEN AND A HAMMER ????. Not a film as such, but i couldnt watch it to the end :bad: if anybody here has seen that , they"ll know what im talking about.

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