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Degreasing and waxing

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The purpose of degreasing the traps is to remove all traces of oil grease used in the manufacturing and protection of the trap and its steel components. This is done to remove all unnatural scent which is a major cause for “dig upsâ€. If your quarry smells or feels the trap it will dig the trap up and avoid capture. This is usually accompanied by the animal scent marking the trap by urinating or defecating on it.


The purpose of waxing the trap is to protect it from corrosion and to ensure smooth operation. Dyeing is only really necessary when trapping critters in water where the trap can bee seen. If you really want to dye them boil wattle bark in a container of water and drop the traps in and leave for about 30 minutes. They come out black.


Once you have degreased your traps boil them in water for about 10-15 minutes then allow them to air dry. I leave mine hanging in a tree for a few days to enable a light coating of surface rust to cover the whole trap. Then prepare a mixture of 50% Bees Wax and 50% paraffin wax heat it till it is totally liquid. Make sure it is not over heated or the wax will catch fire and burn. Then submerge the traps into the wax and leave for long enough for the trap to reach the same temperature as the wax. Use a piece of fencing wire to fish the trap out. Make sure there’s no water on the traps when you put ‘em in or you’ll get splattered with hot wax. Remove the trap from the wax and allow residual liquid wax to drain back into the pot. Then hang the traps up to dry in a clean place.


Clean traps catch more critters.

Edited by steamingutpiles
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