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What defines a Hound?

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What defines a hound nowadays ? Voice, carraige,Style of work or is it all Breeding ?

Is a X a hound,depending if its less 50 % or more 3/4 etc. :hmm:

Would you class a Modern Working Teckel as a Hound,rather than a Terrier ?

Terrier Xs are they just British/ Irish Griffons ?

I.M.O if it gives tongue an a Scent,it could be classed as a Hound..

Collins Dict; states ," a keen pursuer."

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What defines a hound nowadays ? Voice, carraige,Style of work or is it all Breeding ?

Is a X a hound,depending if its less 50 % or more 3/4 etc. :hmm:

Would you class a Modern Working Teckel as a Hound,rather than a Terrier ?

Terrier Xs are they just British/ Irish Griffons ?

I.M.O if it gives tongue an a Scent,it could be classed as a Hound..

Collins Dict; states ," a keen pursuer."


Great topic Dixiebop



I guess as you british see as a scent hound is are those that hunt in the style of a foxhound ,bloodhound harrier beagle ect. But there are many scent hounds that hunt around the would and do not nessessarly hunt in the fashion of the british hounds.

In the USA there are any number of hounds some running game to its natural conclusion giving tongue as the go depending on the game they run some and end hugging a tree baying at whats up there. others running until they catch. others are selected to run silent so they get up on their game before it bolts.

Then you have europe that have what they consider hounds that are only ever used to track blood spor

Then they have a hole class of dogs they call curs that will run a scent giving tongue.

and we have our hunting dogs that hunt as well as any hound will run a scent for miles and come up with a pig at the end.

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