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Free gas & leccy ??

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And their will be british born pensioners this winter dieing because they carnt afford to heat their homes people who have paid into the system all their lives .This country is a joke.

I know what sort of gas i'd give them for free!

Forward that to papers like the Sun and the Mail,the more exposure it gets the better thats providing its not bogus and passed around to inflame people,just watch UKBA2 to see that even though we are

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Dont know if its urban myth or not but apparently Muslims dont pay council tax ?

They say they have a prayer room in the house thus making there residence a place of worship and void of paying council tax ?

Iv a Crusifix or two in my home would it work for me ? Doubt it being a white-british Christian.


Apparently also our Goverments set up deals with banks whereby Muslims dont pay interest on loans or mortgauges as apparently there religion dont allow them to pay or gain interest on loans.


If true the true Brit gets shafted again and them c**ts get another leg up.


We get a Mortgauge for 80k and over 25 yrs pay back 125k they pay only what they borrowed.


If its right it needs to be stopped TOMORROW.

find that very very hard to believe to be honest..........if it's true I'm a muslim from tomorrow onwards!

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Disgusting!I dont know the proportion of bogus asylum seekers compared to genuine,the majority do pass through other european countries to get here,destroy their documentation before they arrive so I guess most are bogus economic migrants coming here for benefits,houses,even free christmas heating and lighting,its my f*cking money they are spending,this country is spiralling down the plug-hole,its being flushed down the pan,we are turning into a 3'rd world s*it-hole because of the amount of 3'rd world flotsam and jetsam flocking here to fleece us and turning this country into the toilet they fled to get here,no one invites asylum/economic refugees here except those ivory-tower dwelling MP's its a total sh*t-fest.

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is it real?

Thats the question,easy enough to knock that up on a PC,find out its veracity,if its 100% genuine pass it on to the papers,some of them would have a field-day especially with immigration being high-profile at the moment.

I can well believe it mackem wat with having family members and freinds working in social services this is only the tip of a very large icebergbut most in them jobs are scared to disclose half of it as they would be breaching their contract of employment by disscusing it with a third party.


I can assure you the press are fully aware of whats going on, and wont touch it with a barge pole !!

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I wonder how many british,genuine british OAP's are inconvenienced over christmas,cold through fuel-poverty,bought their grandkids a few extra treats because its the festive season and find themselves short of cash for heating,so they don an extra jumper,another layer to retain heat,they shouldnt have to do that,should they f*ck,but they are forgotten in the rush to warm the homes,free-homes,of those who flock to this f*cking land of milk-and-honey to grab whatever they can because its all free,free providing you werent born here and your grandparents didnt fight for this country to make it what it is,no other country on the face of the planet would put another countries citizens above their own in order of importance,rule f*cking brittania :bad:

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There's a site somewhere (can't find it as I'm on iPhone) and it shows a contract between the local authorty/government and landlords to asylum seekers and they have to provide absolutely everything brand new they have to decorate ever 12/18 months they have to pay for there tv licence it just goes on and on. They reckon with migration into Europe/uk high birth rates of migrants and low birth rates of native Europeans that in 20 years there will be close to 50% non white Muslims in Europe some places Belgium and some parts of Sweden and even places like leicester etc the birth rate for non whites is 45-60% now even if them figures are exaggerated by even 50% then surely with that and migration at the rate it is then we WILL be a minority un our own lands I dont want my kids and Grankids growing up under sharia law

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The economy has flat-lined,we are going nowhere fast,we are having to tighten our belts to the last notch,yet we are still doling out cash and largesse as if its going out of fashion,but fear not,this will all be forgotten in a few weeks when christmas arrives,then we will be complaining about "white" christmas being banned as its racist,so we will change it to simply christmas,but no,thats got christian connotations,and so the madness goes on :blink:

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