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right guys what rods are out there thats going to be capable of all types of beach and rock fishing

14ft max and capable of slinging out a 6oz weight

im going to have to go down the second hand route to get more for my money..


any advice ...

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What type of rocks you fishing mate? If space is limited, I find too long a rod is a fecking hindrance more than anything else. I find my 10 foot Beach caster more than enough for most types of fishing. :yes:

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2nd hand greys , century, anyfish anywhere big beach , my favourites above all for pure ease of casting and bite detection ,fishing is a zipplex lt14 dymic fish anywhere with it and is without dout the best rod i have ever fished with , but they are rather pricey , once you have cast , fished with a zippy you wont go back to anyother rods end of ! oh and i would go the other way and get a 14 foot rod cause if you take your time to learn to cast that extra 1-2 foot makes one hell of a difference ,its slows the cast down ,but get it right and it flies !!! , even somewhere say like chesil where the back drop is clear and u just overhead thump it makes a difference , another thing longer rods in rough weedie conditions lifts the line just that little bit more , downside when blowing a gale in ya face slicing the rod through the air is defo much harder than a 12 ft rod but i would take a 14 ft every time good luck mate with your choice paul ps hope i am not stating the obvious but if u can pendelum cast properly then these rods come into there own !!!

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2nd hand greys , century, anyfish anywhere big beach , my favourites above all for pure ease of casting and bite detection ,fishing is a zipplex lt14 dymic fish anywhere with it and is without dout the best rod i have ever fished with , but they are rather pricey , once you have cast , fished with a zippy you wont go back to anyother rods end of ! oh and i would go the other way and get a 14 foot rod cause if you take your time to learn to cast that extra 1-2 foot makes one hell of a difference ,its slows the cast down ,but get it right and it flies !!! , even somewhere say like chesil where the back drop is clear and u just overhead thump it makes a difference , another thing longer rods in rough weedie conditions lifts the line just that little bit more , downside when blowing a gale in ya face slicing the rod through the air is defo much harder than a 12 ft rod but i would take a 14 ft every time good luck mate with your choice paul ps hope i am not stating the obvious but if u can pendelum cast properly then these rods come into there own !!!


cheers for the advice.... my mate uses zziplex rods. and he says ive gotta go down that route .... think ill have to save some money up . and get one ...


im dying to get down chesil . my mate had a 14lb cod there a week ago .. so ive got to get there lol



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paul my uncle has a job lot of fishing gear for sale, have a read see if any of its any good.... 6ft atlantic boat rod & 20ft carp rod shakespear carban fibre fresh water rod & also abu garcia 400 atlantic also 2x rod stands also 12ft qualtack 3piece fresh water carban fibre also a fire tip rod it all cums in 2 rod carriers also another abu garcia 11ft beach caster i also have a shakespear multiplier summit browning camcad 5500 fix spool also shakespear summit fix spool the fix spool reels cum with spare spools the olympic dnt cum with a spare fix spool he said he wants 120 the lot

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cheers for the heads up matt.. BUT ve got loads of abu. . normark rods.. i just want summin thats goin g to last me a lifetime

looks like ill be spending 150 quid on a second hand rod


ive added ya on facebook will chat on there :thumbs:

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chesil is a pleasure to fish , without a dout, the walk is not !!!! its a killer especally if you want to fish a few well know marks , dragons teeth etc , i have found the deeper water marks fish the best but its fairly deep all along , very clean ground , unlike the south wales coast line also u dont have to move up and down the beach so much ! , what i will say about it is its probably the most fished beach in the uk loads of room mind think its about 15 miles long, but with so many lines in the water someones gonna catch a few good uns if u get my drift , abbotsbury is my favorite mark, as you look out to sea walk to the left about well seems like bloody 5 miles but prob only 1 mile u come to some huge concreate blocks the "dragons teeth" anywhere here you are in deep water good luck watch the wind mind

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2nd hand greys , century, anyfish anywhere big beach , my favourites above all for pure ease of casting and bite detection ,fishing is a zipplex lt14 dymic fish anywhere with it and is without dout the best rod i have ever fished with , but they are rather pricey , once you have cast , fished with a zippy you wont go back to anyother rods end of ! oh and i would go the other way and get a 14 foot rod cause if you take your time to learn to cast that extra 1-2 foot makes one hell of a difference ,its slows the cast down ,but get it right and it flies !!! , even somewhere say like chesil where the back drop is clear and u just overhead thump it makes a difference , another thing longer rods in rough weedie conditions lifts the line just that little bit more , downside when blowing a gale in ya face slicing the rod through the air is defo much harder than a 12 ft rod but i would take a 14 ft every time good luck mate with your choice paul ps hope i am not stating the obvious but if u can pendelum cast properly then these rods come into there own !!!


cheers for the advice.... my mate uses zziplex rods. and he says ive gotta go down that route .... think ill have to save some money up . and get one ...


im dying to get down chesil . my mate had a 14lb cod there a week ago .. so ive got to get there lol


regardschesil is a pleasure to fish , without a dout, the walk is not !!!! its a killer especally if you want to fish a few well know marks , dragons teeth etc , i have found the deeper water marks fish the best but its fairly deep all along , very clean ground , unlike the south wales coast line also u dont have to move up and down the beach so much ! , what i will say about it is its probably the most fished beach in the uk loads of room mind think its about 15 miles long, but with so many lines in the water someones gonna catch a few good uns if u get my drift , abbotsbury is my favorite mark, as you look out to sea walk to the left about well seems like bloody 5 miles but prob only 1 mile u come to some huge concreate blocks the "dragons teeth" anywhere here you are in deep water good luck watch the wind mind

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chesil is a pleasure to fish , without a dout, the walk is not !!!! its a killer especally if you want to fish a few well know marks , dragons teeth etc , i have found the deeper water marks fish the best but its fairly deep all along , very clean ground , unlike the south wales coast line also u dont have to move up and down the beach so much ! , what i will say about it is its probably the most fished beach in the uk loads of room mind think its about 15 miles long, but with so many lines in the water someones gonna catch a few good uns if u get my drift , abbotsbury is my favorite mark, as you look out to sea walk to the left about well seems like bloody 5 miles but prob only 1 mile u come to some huge concreate blocks the "dragons teeth" anywhere here you are in deep water good luck watch the wind mind


thanks for the heads up mate..

im sending you a pm now

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I don't fish anymore, but when i did i was using a 12ft century blank, called in the trade a spod rod, used for casting spods when course fishing,.. casts a 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 oz with ease, :yes: handle conger 20 lb and over, bull huss, thorny's, s.e ray anything in that category, but still sensitive enough to throw a 3oz float, or tinsel,.. ;) i've even caught GG mullet with it before i got a proper mullet rod for the job,, :thumbs: some people might no them as BIG BERTHA, (the sticker on them was a big tit blond) :laugh: bloody lovely rod, the best i ever had made from a blank, sold it now but still get the rest of me gear, just in case.. :laugh:


Sat here pmsl Barry Lurcher, :laugh: I've got a friend who loves his zippy's to death, won't fish with sod all else, :D so we us to have a bit of a joke, Century V Zipplex to see who's make caught the most fish at the end of the night,,.. :toast: :toast: He's still fishing with his array of Zippi's and jokes that he's going to leave the sodding thing to me in his will..... :laugh: :laugh: happy days they were for me...


I like hearing about the fish that are being caught on here tonight, makes me feel like charging the Petzel up and grabbing the rod again. :( go careful out there at this time of the years folks, i'm sure i don't need to tell you about the risk's that comes with fishing a dodgy mark. ;) tight lines.

Edited by mintstick999
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