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  1. 1. was she right or wrong

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Theres no doubting the silly bitch made a complete prat of herself and simply has no class whatsoever..............but it also go,s to show how even drugged up halfwit fools with very low intelligence

She has been arrested,she is from Croydon so small wonder at her tirade,its the location of immigration towers "Lunar house" I have been past there at 5am,I jest not the pavements were one long queue

It,s people like her and those drunken morons you see at EDL rallies that make people afraid to air thier views on immigration , nobody wants to be lumped in the same catagory as them , The arguments

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  On 29/11/2011 at 19:05, gnasher16 said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 18:52, Simoman said:

I think for many the main problem is her language and the fact she sees no problem using that language in public in front of children, including her ownn and she also appears moronic, especially the Niggeragua comment, to me she seems ignorant and im all for a well thought out debate, but anybody can swear and shout abuse with no real substance or facts to back up a discussion. Surely it takes intellect to carry a reasoned disscussion and ignorance to just swear and abuse?


I dont agree with that....im thick as arseholes but i can still have a decent debate......cut out all of her swear words quieten her down a bit and get rid of that daft London accent :laugh: ....and she probably didnt say anything anyone else wouldnt have said debating the same subject.


Its obvious to me, and all i think that we have a problem with too much immigration, and also the wrong sort of people hoping to ride the British gravy train, BUT on a personal note I certainly don't want somebody like her being the "voice" associated with any reasonable debate about immigration. The sad fact is the only people who can stop this problem are sat in London selling us out to the rest of the world on a daily basis whilst filling in false expence claims and living secret lives, so basically we are f****d.........

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  On 29/11/2011 at 19:03, Catcher 1 said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 18:58, .terrier man. said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 18:47, Catcher 1 said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 18:36, .terrier man. said:

the poor fuckers been named and shamed on the news and shes getting done all for calling someone a paki on the train. f*****g joke as soon as a white person says something :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:


Good hope she gets a few months jail.


for swearing, get a grip fella ffs


For swearing ? Have a look at the video again. :nono:


what she says is f**k all compared to what those muslim extremists say towards us, theres hundeds of videos of them and has anything been done has it f**k, a white lass tells a few to f**k off and shes all over the news :censored:

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  On 29/11/2011 at 19:14, Simoman said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 19:05, gnasher16 said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 18:52, Simoman said:

I think for many the main problem is her language and the fact she sees no problem using that language in public in front of children, including her ownn and she also appears moronic, especially the Niggeragua comment, to me she seems ignorant and im all for a well thought out debate, but anybody can swear and shout abuse with no real substance or facts to back up a discussion. Surely it takes intellect to carry a reasoned disscussion and ignorance to just swear and abuse?


I dont agree with that....im thick as arseholes but i can still have a decent debate......cut out all of her swear words quieten her down a bit and get rid of that daft London accent :laugh: ....and she probably didnt say anything anyone else wouldnt have said debating the same subject.


Its obvious to me, and all i think that we have a problem with too much immigration, and also the wrong sort of people hoping to ride the British gravy train, BUT on a personal note I certainly don't want somebody like her being the "voice" associated with any reasonable debate about immigration. The sad fact is the only people who can stop this problem are sat in London selling us out to the rest of the world on a daily basis whilst filling in false expence claims and living secret lives, so basically we are f****d.........


Think that says it all.

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this thread is going round in circles now and getting silly!!!!! i thought getting out of the UK would be the best thing to do, to avoid the mess its become, BUT now im counting down the days till i come HOME for x-mas!! theres alot other countries cant offer YOU that home does like your past, friends, family, ways to earn a few quid on the side (and get away with it lol), that place you know will hold a few rabbits or rats in the day or night, the list is endless and TBH wherever you go your going to find something wrong with it if you try hard enough!!! the woman was exactly right in what she said, the UK is full of blacks, pakis and poles and its a f*****g joke BUT theres plenty more to it than that!!! maybe its typically british to only look at the bad things :hmm: :hmm: moaning on a website will get you nowhere tho, its only gonna get worse unless something drastic is done in reality and very soon :thumbs:

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foul mouthed numpty

She is a product of her surroundings,Croydon,what do you expect,a cut-glass accented academic?None of us knows what preceeded the outburst.Ignorance,in speech or manner isnt a crime,you cant judge her from a minute long tirade,frustration is an emotion that sometimes boils to the surface and you just have to shout stop!Ever seen "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas?

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  On 29/11/2011 at 19:20, mackem said:
foul mouthed numpty

She is a product of her surroundings,Croydon,what do you expect,a cut-glass accented academic?None of us knows what preceeded the outburst.Ignorance,in speech or manner isnt a crime,you cant judge her from a minute long tirade,frustration is an emotion that sometimes boils to the surface and you just have to shout stop!Ever seen "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas?


I don't "expect" anything other than anybody too have enough morals to swear like that in front of children, accent has nothing to do with it. Yes, its a was a film.......

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  On 29/11/2011 at 19:16, .terrier man. said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 19:03, Catcher 1 said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 18:58, .terrier man. said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 18:47, Catcher 1 said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 18:36, .terrier man. said:

the poor fuckers been named and shamed on the news and shes getting done all for calling someone a paki on the train. f*****g joke as soon as a white person says something :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:


Good hope she gets a few months jail.


for swearing, get a grip fella ffs


For swearing ? Have a look at the video again. :nono:


what she says is f**k all compared to what those muslim extremists say towards us, theres hundeds of videos of them and has anything been done has it f**k, a white lass tells a few to f**k off and shes all over the news :censored:


What the mulims do and get away with is down to the powers that be.I dont get a say.Or they would be in the same jail as i hope she get.Its plain to see.She,s an extremist.She had a child strap to her body.Most of the nutters have a bomb.

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A film about a man who kicked-off because he had enough,that was her,she probably wasnt taught not to swear in front of kids,her parents fault I guess,but to find out a little of what she is most probably experiencing each and every single day I think you should try walking in her shoes through one of the ethnic ghetto's,oh sorry "Multicultural areas" that exist in this country,I know the area she is from,I can understand her irritation at whats happening around her.We dont all live in the sticks or rural areas where ethnics are a rarity,it totally changes your views when you really are a minority yourself in your own neighbourhood,I dont think she is a numpty,just someone who is fed up to the back-teeth of the crap she has to endure every day.

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  On 29/11/2011 at 17:19, rob190364 said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 17:12, lurchergrrl said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 15:45, rob190364 said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 15:40, Millet said:
  On 29/11/2011 at 15:29, rob190364 said:

she is.......................just a second rate one!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I can sense a ear bashing on the way.. :laugh:

nah she understands.....she knows that canada is a bit of a nothing country, that's why she's moved over here and desperately wants to be classed as English :whistling:


:laugh: :laugh:


I am not English, and I don't want to be. I'm deeply proud of my country and wouldn't have it any other way. I live here and love it and I'm proud to raise my kids here - but I am Canadian. My kids are English because this is where they were born, where they will grow up ... what else would they be? Some kind of hybrid .... with no nationality or loyalty to the country they were born in? Would you rather I raised them here to take this piss, tell them that everything this country pales in comparison to somewhere else so they grow up to view it as nothing? Doesn't that just perpetuate the issue of immigrants not feeling loyalty to the country they chose as their home? Isn't that what you lot complain about?? They should be proud of where they were born. In the end it's about nationality and loyalty to the country that makes you who you are, not where your parents come from.


People move to Canada from all over the world. Our mindset is different there - if you are born in Canada you're Canadian. For me the same applies to my kids. They were born here, this country will shape who they are, they learn the culture and history ... they are English. And if someone tried to tell them aren't just because I come from somewhere else, I'd take that as an insult.


My country is vast, diverse, multicultural, wild, beautiful, cultured, and truth be told: a bit wishy washy sometimes, but it sure isn't a bit of nothing. Recheck your history books :thumbs:

HOOK, LINE AND SINKER!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: bit surprised at you LG! surely you knew I was just trying to get a rise out of you??? just goes to show, even the women that you think are on our wavelength are still a bit radio rental under the surface! As it happens, if I could choose any destination in the world to go on my next holiday Canada would probably be in the top 3, definitely in the top 5 :thumbs:


It's a funny area, do you know what I'm saying though? OK, what if you were pregnant and decided to go on holiday a few weeks before you were born, you decide to go to Spain and your baby comes early so you have it over there. A few weeks after your baby is born you and your partner come back to the UK.....is your baby Spanish?



Interesting one isn't it If one of my dogs has pups in a stable and she rears them in there does that make them horses?

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