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dirty thieving b*****ds

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Thats bad craic Den, when I read the title, I thought they had stolen your dogs !! Small consolation that they didn't, but the b*****ds could have !! Hope you get your gear back, or at least find out who it was !!




cheers ritchie dogs kept in the house , kenneled oly during summer months

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Can you claim off your house insurance fella??


I actually keep feck all in my shed now, loads been broken into around my way. Crooks taken bikes,power tools, little feckers been using them then to brake into folks houses.


Shit crack, stuff aint cheap.


yes house insurance will cover it , but it's the inconvenience , plus the thought that some fkr has stolen them from me ,

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dont think you can get them mag boxes any more the bloke who use to sell em asked to buy me and me bros back of us. so who took it new what you add and closer to home to what you think by the sounds of things hope ou get ya gear back but wouldnt hold ya breath

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Sorry for your trouible try K9 commuinity in the ped and non ped racing forums for a mag box you sometimes see them advertised on there for sale


oh ffs it just gets worse , got in touch with insurance co today , they said i was'nt covered as it was a buisness i was running , ffs treating a few mates??? dogs aint running a buisness , but i'll def no be doingit again thats for sure , after argueing with them about it , i now have tohand in reciepts for all the stuff , who keeps reciepts after 5 years , anyway , phoned all companies who i bought stuff off , theyre only too willing to help with reciepts , so at least thats a bonus

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Utter fekin scum b*****ds


Hope yeh find them Den ,, and fekin waste them,, wee cnuts.


Rest assured if ah hear owt yeh`ll be the first tae ken makes yeh sick that it`s gaunnie be dog types that have knicked it.



Treated oany dugs for mates of a mate recently ??

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