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Doubt l'll be getting any sleep the night. I live on top of a hill and the wind is currently blowing at a steady 75.5mph and my bedroom is facing into it. Hundreds of slates are currently clattering above my head and hailstones banging loudly into the window...

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Im on a rig in the middle of the North Sea and the wind just hit 115.7 mph ....ive been offshore 16 years all over the world and have never seen it like this ....this rig is rockin back and forth

out of intrest ,how big are the waves out there.
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Friday night I thought the baby was crying, realise it was the wind coming down the chimney. Knock at the door, it was the letterbox being blown by the wind.


Was sat there on my own sh!tting myself for

A while thinking my new house was haunted.


Was out last night, a place next to the sea and the wind was something else. After a couple of hours the rain was getting like ice with the speed of the wind. Even the dog had enough and was sat at the motor waiting for us haha

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