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Your Views On Lamping Hares

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Easiest hares Ive seen killed was in the daylight at the corn cuttings, I knew guys how had shit dogs and the only time they brought them out was for the cuttings, Ive lamped hares since lamping had

Why should the hare have more respect than any other quarry ? Surely ALL quarry, even vermin, deserves the utmost respect ? To be honest, I've caught far more daytime hares, and it's my favourite fiel

I think it reduces the ultimate athlete of the British countryside to a mediocre quarry that substandard dogs can achieve results on. Pre ban of course.   FTB

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The way I see it, anyone worth there salt has lamped hares at some point. If your thing is lamping rabbits and a hare happens to cross the beam, fair play. It's the guys who's dogs aren't good enough to catch a daylight hare and lamp soley for hares that are wrong in my book. These same guys will brag of large catches and call there dogs, 3 out of 3 etc. The hare deserves better respect than that, it doesn't hide in burrows etc to avoid capture, it uses its cunning and skill that we all love it for. So why not afford it the respect it deserves? Give it a decent slip in daylight and enjoy the spectacle that we all live for, dog v britains greatest athlete.

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small fields,few inch of snow and a blitz lamp best bit of sport youll get all season,snow makes it easier to slide tackle them as they try to go past you :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


What sort of battery do you run your blitz off mate?

12v 18amp,mate uses the lithium 14 amp last for hours
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dont agree with goin out lamping them all time if 1 gets up why not on big open land nite or not they can really test a dog i gave my lad a spin on lamp [bANNED TEXT] over 5 mins dam near killed em ran em ragged and got away this one bout 3 mins was not so lucky but a gud spin and fair game seen as my dog is bullhound x colliehound not bred for hare wud not go out looking for them on the lamp just not my thing PRE BAN !!!


Edited by nitestalker 28
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dont agree with goin out lamping them all time if 1 gets up why not on big open land nite or not they can really test a dog i gave my lad a spin on lamp [bANNED TEXT] over 5 mins dam near killed em ran em ragged and got away this one bout 3 mins was not so lucky but a gud spin and fair game seen as my dog is bullhound x colliehound not bred for hare wud not go out looking for them on the lamp just not my thing

all pre ban of course
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