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what age should i start to work my lurcher eg take ferreting

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My pups jst turned 5 month and im guna take him out on a short ferreting job tommorow jst for him to start getting used to the smells and jst outta curiosity for me to see how he does i wont be pushing him to run anything for a gud while yet n it definitly wont be out on lamp till nxt season then he will be way over 12 month old but i cant see anything wrong with taking em out on short ferreting trips atb :thumbs:

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If your not running him and hes there only there to get used to the ferrets, surroundings, smells, rabbits hitting the nets etc why not? Will prob cry when pegged down maybe better to let ya mate do the ferreting and you tag along wi ya pup.. I wouldn't make a habit of taking him ferreting too often he's only a pup and wants to play and sleep, not be tied up next to you ferreting all the time he'll be bored, restless and grow up thinking his job is to sit there.. Put some time into him as a pup and enjoy him.. Never too young to play with a skin on a string hours of entertainment for any pup.. All the best..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi mate its true dont run them to early because it will yapppp and it wont grow right either, I had this trouble getting my first dog when I was at school and ran it to young everytime it chased as it got older yap yap yap, now after checking sites and things 6 month to run daytime and 10 to 12 month to start on the lamp, you have plenty of things to be doing until then like training to fetch and jump training which you will need.

look after your dog and it will be great..

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Every dog iv ever had has come ferreting/ mooching/ walking with me and the rest of my pack from the minute iv got them. They are in my coat untill theyve had their jabs and then they get to watch from the ground and they learn from seeing what the others do and they get used to ferrets and they get used to the rabbits and the nets.



Edited by DogMagic
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had mine out since 12 week old pup only short trips hour or two at least once aweek now near enough 5 moons and she knows whats going on , and never done nothing with her apart from come hear ,had her a small walk were i ferreted yesterday she went round every warren we done ,smelling holes from rabbs yesterday , going break her to sheep this week and next be pretty easy , once she starts grebbing netted rabits and switching on whats happening ille train her up , a bit more ,its funny if you bred of clever dogs they know there limitaitons , saw rex tyne and young meg diong same thing , they no there not fast enough yet and are not catchimng on the rabbits come out but there starting to work things out pretty well without me telling them , if you breed of clever types they have natural hunting ability , she doesnt get wound up quite and always watching , clever with it

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