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hi everyone, my lurcher pup and retired greyhound have very sensitive stomach and most of the time have the runs. i dont feed them processed dog food just brown rice, oats, nartural yogurt, raw chicken wings, goats milk, raw eggs etc. theyve been to vets in past and he said change there diets and advised me to change it and tried selling me expensive dog food! im thinking of introducing a bit of dry food for them because apart from the chicken wings its all very sloppy food and think this may be the problem, can anybody recommend a good quality dry dog food? thanks

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You shouldn't feed too many eggs,maybe one a week/fortnight,and no animal needs milk after they are weaned and a lot are actually lactose intolerant.If I was you I would drop the milk/yoghurt and eggs and keep up with the chicken wings supplemented with lamb breast/beef scraps from the butcher/rabbit and some ground veg as they find it hard to digest if it isn't really smashed up.Brown rice is just a filler as well,so not really needed,you can also usually get green tripe from a slaughterhouse,and offal like Ox heart,great stuff,but I usually feed any offal in the same sort of % as you find it in the carcase,so sort of 15-20%. How old is the pup?



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