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old fashion jack russels

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Few pictures of mine pre ban great happy days wish I could take the clock back   Have tess and moses having rag of a dead fox after a good dig     Tess soft as any thing around the yard wouldn'

this is my little bitch

My jack again,narky lil bitch at times,great for rats and bunnies

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  On 28/11/2011 at 08:51, spazzy paddy said:

, we had a local dog (Snowy) that we'd pick up off the street on a Sunday morning for a days ratting or a dig, returning him at the end of the day, never thought twice about it.. Them's were the days..!! lol yeah cant do that now a days

we used to do the same with the street russells and they got dug to regular lol.
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  On 25/11/2011 at 15:37, borderbitch said:

when i first saw her limp on her back leg i was concenerd about her after speaking to a few people they told me it was called the jr skip i thouht they were takin the piss at first but did a bit research and they do its a hereditary disorder and she is fine does not bother her one bit


Each to their own, but why choose to breed from a bitch who displays symptoms of a hereditary disorder at 2 years old? I'd sooner breed from sound stock.

There are plenty of Jack Russell types about......indeed the dog pounds are full of them.

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Great thread, we've got one off these jackies who stands about 10.5 inches to the shoulders. She was bought for the other half as a pet but ended up coming out with me and worked on rats and rabbits.


I was looking for another one with a docked tail this time to have a varried work life but the prices were silly prices 250 to 400.

So decided to look for a stud dog for next year.

I will try and get some pics up of her when I get on the computer.


Its interesting to see other peoples as all the other jackies around us are all shapes and sizes... Generally fat.

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Great thread - nice to see. I've got two Russells now who I work. Both under 12" with spanable chests, keen to go to ground on ground hog and feisty as anything when it comes to field rats and chipmunks. Good laid back dogs in the house as well and fit as fiddles. The male comes from old Westerly lines here in the states used back in the day. The bitch is from domestic lines that can be traced back to England many years ago. If someone can explain how to upload pics here I'll post a few shots?

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  On 10/10/2012 at 13:12, High Meadow said:

Thinking I figured out this photobucket thing - first shot is my male 11" with a spanable chest and the second is my bitch - she'll be a year old next month - 10" and spanable also.





nice HM i like em these are the type of russel i worked as a kid,small spannerble and would like to work this type again but it's finding the right stuff . atb sp Edited by spazzy paddy
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