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bipod for the hw100kt

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Right guys seeing as youve given me cracking advice with regards to both scope and gun could you please give me some advice on bipods?


Im looking for something in the region of 9 - 13inch and a tilting one? would you say this was the best or would it be too tall?


Is it worth paying more and getting a harris one or would a deben one be just as good?


I am also looking for a QD stud that will fit in the HW100 stock without needing it to be drilled. anyone know where i could get one for a decent price? cheapest so far is blackpool air rifles but its got a £5.00 delivery charge so will need to order more kit from them to make it worth while. might order some jsb exacts to try if there is no cheaper place to get it.


thanks in advance





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hi tom

try here for screw bolt




and regards bi pods


I have three all different size,most peeps buy the 9x13,Harris is the most popular make! but there are just as good copies providing you get a good one?



I must of been lucky as 2 out of the three are copies and they are doing fine.one is the Deben 6x9 & the other is buffalo river 9x13.as long as you look after them with a spay of oil from time to time they shall last a long while :thumbs:


here are the three I have,but not purchased from the bay!


13.5 x 27



9 x 13



6 x 9






hope this helps



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Well Davy saw my tilting Deben 2 days ago on my HW100 S and its defo not a cheap copy of any bipod :no: .


Firm, solid and well disigned.


If its is supposed to be a Harris cheaper copy its a really good one.


Maybe they are like r10's hey, you either get a good one or a bad one :laugh:



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My bugger fell apart as I was putting the legs down, got the leg spring straight back over the knuckles, I did use some colourful language. Just the RFD nearest to us had some real Harris bipods, his price was good, so we went Harris, you can tell the difference ok, the foam pads do not move, the spring clip does not fall apart and the springs stay on the damned legs!

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never really had a need for them before, but the bi pods I have described I have had for over 3 to 4 years :thumbs:

and still going strong !!


I can see your point mike,but these days most copies are made to last ?

I think you was unlucky and had the only duff one :laugh: :laugh:



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For my 100 I've got a harris 9-13 non-tilting notched version and I can't fault it.

To be fair though, I pretty much never use it on my air rifle, it gets more use on the .17hmr (also a Weihrauch).

For airgun ranges I just don't feel I really need it tbh.

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  On 27/11/2011 at 02:22, The Duncan said:

For my 100 I've got a harris 9-13 non-tilting notched version and I can't fault it.

To be fair though, I pretty much never use it on my air rifle, it gets more use on the .17hmr (also a Weihrauch).

For airgun ranges I just don't feel I really need it tbh.


Saw a Weihrauch .17HMR in one of the shops near me a few weeks ago and loved it! Defo going on my wish list, which stock variant did you go for Duncan? There's a target style stock available which I thought looked amazing :yes:

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