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dogs and deer.... big deer

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Hello chaps,   Me again, been abroad... hunting, flat-out, pigs/boar, deer, lion, and various small vermin. Its been great travelling the America's. I've seen good dogs, some great dogs- I'd be brav

Think you should write a book mate, I enjoyed that!!!

Whoa,hold on a sec,the guy never mentioned churning out a novel,he just asked an opinion of JD's latest works,and shared a few experiences of dog-work abroad,whin,havent you ever curled up on the sofa

the time you waste reading abook you would had been at the game or putting petrol in car and carrying the booty home ,these books while there entertaining , get out and do it instead of pissing about on another mans dream , there nothing wrong with books , but i realy think if you are or have done alot the old book game can be tedouis ihope the book sells well ,but its no big deal hunting for meat etc profit ,its the getting home safely bit that gets difficult

Whin, you sound even more crabbit than normal, who's pissed in your porridge? Werent you talking about putting together a book last year? And what happened about that ultimate fieldtrial for lurchers? Books are books, reading material thats all, and if your into dogs, then why not read about dogs? I've read a few darcy books and found them a decent read, nice pictures. I personally dont think there are enough fieldsports authors, considering that guys like YOU (whin), Halty, and thousands of others, have spent ther lifetimes in the game. . DnN


Would anyone be able to read a book whin wrote? :huh:

dont you mean belief
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There isn't enough authors like darcy who write it as it is. Going on a relaxing holiday in the summer and taking a couple of dog books with you to reads makes you wish you weren't lying on a sun lounger on the beach but instead were on a windy wet moor or hill in the middle of the night in December. Not many things can get you like that. I enjoyed that post Halty lad and I envy your exploits pre ban and abroad. Well done mate, I hope to hear more from you.

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the time you waste reading abook you would had been at the game or putting petrol in car and carrying the booty home ,these books while there entertaining , get out and do it instead of pissing about on another mans dream , there nothing wrong with books , but i realy think if you are or have done alot the old book game can be tedouis ihope the book sells well ,but its no big deal hunting for meat etc profit ,its the getting home safely bit that gets difficult


theres allways one int the, and its allways you, get a grip pal

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the time you waste reading abook you would had been at the game or putting petrol in car and carrying the booty home ,these books while there entertaining , get out and do it instead of pissing about on another mans dream , there nothing wrong with books , but i realy think if you are or have done alot the old book game can be tedouis ihope the book sells well ,but its no big deal hunting for meat etc profit ,its the getting home safely bit that gets difficult

Whin, you sound even more crabbit than normal, who's pissed in your porridge? Werent you talking about putting together a book last year? And what happened about that ultimate fieldtrial for lurchers? Books are books, reading material thats all, and if your into dogs, then why not read about dogs? I've read a few darcy books and found them a decent read, nice pictures. I personally dont think there are enough fieldsports authors, considering that guys like YOU (whin), Halty, and thousands of others, have spent ther lifetimes in the game. . DnN

Could you imagine a book wrote by whin, even spell check on his computer can't decipher what he's writing, couldn't read a page of it let alone a chapter

no one would buy it any way ,lol,,,

Edited by lofti
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Ok, thanks for the help folks, il try and get hold of a copy. I get the impresion it will be a decent read. Matey you made me smile, I feel like you all the time, I always feel like Im alone in those situations! Well apart from my constant summer holiday companion THE WIFE who thinks Im a nut job talking about dogs all the time and wanting to be back out hunting rather than drinking cocktails on the beach. Heck even the Hula dancers get tedious after a while!!


Take care

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ye i love the hunt but years since i bought a book on hunting, gave people plenty as pressies to me once ive finished the hunt dogs in kennels fed and waterd on to a nother project not dogs ,if i read like stories like muhamud ali ,robeto duran, king of the gypsies , the great game , commercail fishing books celtics greatest players ,but lurchers never done it for me , i wouldnt mind abook on gill netting salmon ,legal and illegal , of days gone past , liked a book called canines and coyotes a good read

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ye i love the hunt but years since i bought a book on hunting, gave people plenty as pressies to me once ive finished the hunt dogs in kennels fed and waterd on to a nother project not dogs ,if i read like stories like muhamud ali ,robeto duran, king of the gypsies , the great game , commercail fishing books celtics greatest players ,but lurchers never done it for me , i wouldnt mind abook on gill netting salmon ,legal and illegal , of days gone past , liked a book called canines and coyotes a good read

Well I agree, there are good books and bad, good authors and bad. Ive wasted good money on books that went straight into the fire, i couldnt even bring myself to give em to the youngens to read. I think I will bite the bullet again and buy it, what the hell, its been a long time since Ive bought a dog book and deer have always been my bag.

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I really enjoyed your account of exploits and find your writing style entertaining, free of condescension and honest.

I'd be very happy to read more of anything you put up.

Try to ignore whin; I hear he has an inverted penis which causes him chagrin beyond human measure.



Cheers and all the best mate.



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