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Anyone know if theres any such thing as a studded type of boot,kind of like a football/rugby boot on the bottom.....i regularly walk a piece of land thats downhill and am sick of slipping arse over tit i just wondered if theres any that have that type of grip ?

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f**k off you silly c**t, the bloke was asking about boots.....   Gnasher, imho, stick with your Miendls..............all those hill keepers cant be wrong. I have hunted in the fells and mine are al

Get some fell boots with studded soles

a rugby boot sounds like a broken ankle waiting to happen cause if its not grass an has any tipe of stones or gravel on it I reacon you'd have no grip at all pluss if you catch the studs on the top of

Anyone know if theres any such thing as a studded type of boot,kind of like a football/rugby boot on the bottom.....i regularly walk a piece of land thats downhill and am sick of slipping arse over tit i just wondered if theres any that have that type of grip ?


What boots are you wearing now?? I have some Meindls and walk up and down some fairly steep hills in them with no trouble and no need for any spikes,studs etc ;)

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[What boots are you wearing now?? I have some Meindls and walk up and down some fairly steep hills in them with no trouble and no need for any spikes,studs etc ;)


Ive been through a few pairs of them le chamaeu mouflon gore tex jobs...decent boots but seem to hold a lot of mud and shit to the bottom so the boot ends up weighing a ton and its like your on water skis after a while....Meindl do one thats specifically for hills but its only ankle high i prefer the calf length ones.....not sure about them spike gadgets you put over your foot i reckon youd be forever putting them back on.....im even wondering about a full blown rugby boot :icon_redface:

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[What boots are you wearing now?? I have some Meindls and walk up and down some fairly steep hills in them with no trouble and no need for any spikes,studs etc ;)


I've been through a few pairs of them le chamaeu mouflon gore tex jobs...decent boots but seem to hold a lot of mud and shit to the bottom so the boot ends up weighing a ton and its like your on water skis after a while....Meindl do one thats specifically for hills but its only ankle high i prefer the calf length ones.....not sure about them spike gadgets you put over your foot i reckon youd be forever putting them back on.....im even wondering about a full blown rugby boot :icon_redface:

a rugby boot sounds like a broken ankle waiting to happen cause if its not grass an has any tipe of stones or gravel on it I reacon you'd have no grip at all pluss if you catch the studs on the top of a rock yourl be tripping on ya face just buy a pare of bowling shoes an slide down yourl be home before ya know it
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My old fella used to wear a pair of fell boots made by Hoggs of Fife, and designed for shepherds.


Completley studded, on a sprung last and I think made from horse leather.


Cracking boot, probably dont make them any more, but its worth a look on the net.

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If I was looking to a pair of sturdies for up or down hill i'd go for Meindl, though i'd look at all the range, thier Glockner is one hell of a boot, solid sole and upper, total support with a good sole, far better than their Dover. I gather ya don't want crampons, which to be honest are only used for snow, so stear well clear, usless!


Though as Wolfie said, some Fell Boots came with a metal studded sole. Now, these days its quite the thing to rubbish Fell Boots, but up there in the Lakes the Fell Huntsmen have been using 'em for years, they are a difficult boot to master, in a world of 'try 'em on walk up a mountain' type stuff but when ya get used to them, i'll betcha you will want for nothing else and the best bits are, firstly, they'll handle any gradient and second, they'll last a lifetime!

I have no idea these days of who still makes the metal studded Fell Boot, most of the ones I seen where hand made but do a search, someone will still do 'em because there is still a market. A market for those who know how a boot should perform on a 'real hill', under the toughest of conditions. ;)

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