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Article - FAO IanB - Working Terriers

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The Extremes of Hunting With Terriers   The events in this article happened before the ban was implimented..........   I hunt with terriers..........Sending a single terrier to ground to locate it

I think its down to personal standards with the dogs. The fella who showed me the craic has his high standards and wouldnt keep shit for long to be honest & as I did all my hunting with him I foll

Great read.......what the site SHOULD be about !!  

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had a fella up to us last sunday with a bitch bred out of that old red dog had the first dig of the day to her she did well as always very steady reliable bitch looks like the red dog as well

Thats brilliant news mate. How old is the bitch now ??? I would really appreciate any info or pics of her as I have lost touch with so many people over these last shitty 18mnths. You can pm me if you want.

Thanks for the update though its much appreciated

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Great read , but is it fair, no offence, thats wat there bred for, but i would be gutted if it ever happend to me, like i said no offence , but my mind would go ape shit if it ever happend to me, when yu know youv got a good dog, sorry to hear your loss.

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Real good read mate, I've been on here a couple of years now and a great post like this comes up only a couple of times!

It is hard when you lose them, I've had a couple go whole doing what they were bred for! And I was also close to saying f@&k it!! But seeing the old face of one of your other workers keeps you going.

When you lost the nigger dog, we're you using the old Deben, and do you think you might of found him if the bellman was about??

They do save more terriers lives now a days IMO!!

Good luck on Sunday too?!


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Outstanding read! I've lost three this year. One was the best I have ever owned. She was nine, and died doing what she loved most. As happy as I was to see her go out that way, I can't help wishing she were still here. Again great read mister.

Edited by jawn
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Thanks lads. the dog "nigger" was the best dog I have seen. I remember driving down west with him to clear some ground for a farmer & anyone who knows the craic knows digging on your own is never a good idea but the dog was the type that made things so easy , He'd bay & push & then just before you got to him he take charge & basically put the quarry on a plate for you to deal with , To lads who know terriers you will know what I mean & he really was as perfect a digging dog as you could get.....he was owned by my mate & I know hindsight is a wonderful thing but we really should have called it a day & never put him in such a bad looking place on the day we lost him, To be fair my mate N who was there was against it from the start & we really should have listened....... :(

The irony is if he wasnt up to his job he would never have pushed on & on to get to his game & we would probably have him now , There are old dogs & there are bold dogs but not many Old Bold dogs........ :(

"Nigger"...........RIP & good hunting where youve gone.

After a 2 1/2 Drive I was done & dusted having cleared two pests with no fuss thanks to the old fella below. Here he is after having a breather , Just after I shared my grub with him & we sat in the field watching 3 red kites for ages...........A good memory




Packing up to go home........Days like this are as good as it gets.......The other terriers were 2 young bitches I had taken along for a look.You can tell by the time on the pics that we were done & dusted before the anti's were out of f*****g bed.... :laugh:



good write up again mate,all the best

good right up l that picture of nigger brings back some memories hell of a dog..

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Well I went out yesterday morning , Only local just to get back into it & was as simple as this game gets...!!!

A drive to a likely holding spot and with lambing on the horizon we were hoping your man was at home...Within minutes of my mates excellent old dog going in he was baying nicely & with every confidence in the terrier we relaxed & waited for him to settle down , It didnt sound like he right up to it to be honest so things must have been tight but he slowly pushed on until things settled at one spot. I wish I could tart the story up but it was 2ft into a tight tube & we were done & dusted in no time.............It was still early so we then visited a few local farms just to show face & had a good walk checking places out ready for the next few months. It was great just to be out again & I well & truly realised just how much I have missed it.

The down side is my crap fitness & body are paying for it today , I'm like Stephen f*****g Hawking sat here typing this...............

Roll on next week.....

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