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Sorry Swamper... :cry:


What a lovley looking girl!!!!!!!! :cry::cry::cry:


Your a good man seeing her through and caring for her..people like you show the world a dog isnt just a "item" but a best friend...well done sorry it wasnt better news though :(

Edited by FastDogz
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thanks chaps i know what would be the easter way...but you never know



my bitch smashed her front wrist 18 months ago, got her fixed up as best we could, she is still worth her weight in gold to us as a marking and ferreting partner,

admittingly no more lamping for this old wench but still a very useful and much admired bitch,

all is not lost mate unless you believe it is.

All the best mate whatever you decide. at worst she would make a faithful partner.

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up date


well iv just spoken to the vet and he said it went perfectly

and he reconed that there should be no reson why the ligaments will not reattach to the bone natruly now hes attached them with wires

and he sounds hopefull that she will have some resonable movement out of it

i only spoke to him breifly so i will get the full story in a day or so when i pic her up....so its going be a long road...just hope its worth it

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early days............ but you know me and that bulldog spirit...thanks people :D


Been there swamper :yes: ..........plenty of rest over the summer, no walking at all ;) , not even a run round in the garden, plenty of good raw grub.........then come september, a few walkys and then a few small runs on very good ground, nothing to hard............you may be very surprised ;)

Just dont be tempted, let the dog just lay down for 4 months..........wish you all the best from a bloke thats been there mate :victory:

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early days............ but you know me and that bulldog spirit...thanks people :D


Been there swamper :yes: ..........plenty of rest over the summer, no walking at all ;) , not even a run round in the garden, plenty of good raw grub.........then come september, a few walkys and then a few small runs on very good ground, nothing to hard............you may be very surprised ;)

Just dont be tempted, let the dog just lay down for 4 months..........wish you all the best from a bloke thats been there mate :victory:


thats what iv got planed mi mate ;)

if you fancy sending me a pm about it...i would like to read that :yes:

i need to get her home first tho.......been doing some off that :drink: but thay recon a couple of days

its going to be a long road ...with no garantees....but she did the injury working for me ...so iv got to give her a shot :yes:

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cheers people

iv just been to pic her up

had a chat with the vet and a look at the xrays....looks like the start of a scrap yard in there with a big pin running though her leg and loops of wire everywere....thay have managed to save the main knuckle...so her movement should be good...not perfect but good never the less

she will be haveing the pin took out at some point as it will cause problems in the future...but will be left in till the bone is stable enough for her to use

at the moment there is nothing more i can do for her...she goes back in on friday so thay can have a look...shes full of drugs at the moment of course but its good to have her back home




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