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IF you are sincerely interested in the MINSHAW type dog, then listen wisely to what i am going to tell you my friend,minshaws types were mainly the men that had them ,made them what they were,unfortun

Mines shit.   I took him out 1 night with other dog, didnt catch a thing. Then the wago.n in front knocked over 7 really big rabbits3 nights latwr same Only the wagon ran ten over.   Few nights la

Just wait till i cross one with a plummer,then we'll see controfeckingversy!.

Mines shit.


I took him out 1 night with other dog, didnt catch a thing. Then the wago.n in front knocked over 7 really big rabbits3 nights latwr same Only the wagon ran ten over.


Few nights later the minshaw pup finally managed to get a rabbit, 20rabbs in fact.the night after that he managed 22. The night after hehe was ready to run again but the weather was shit


Wouldnt own another

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Nobody knows whats in a minshaw. Plenty of hype to boost sales as far as i can tell.


Don't think there's many sold mate.

Bred for their owners and circle of friends as far

as I'm aware nowadays. Anyone selling a Minshaw nowadays has probably

a dog outcroseed several times.


Cheers, D.

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IF you are sincerely interested in the MINSHAW type dog, then listen wisely to what i am going to tell you my friend,minshaws types were mainly the men that had them ,made them what they were,unfortunately today to many lads dont hunt as hard as what they use to, so the dogs dont get as much graft,so they will not be as good as they should be,when you get the right lads with the dogs they will always come to the front,thats the reason you will always hear of only a few of them,as one old boy told me one time,FIND THE MEN FIRST ,THEN YOU WILL FIND THE DOGS

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I've had the darn things for 26+ year lol all of the ones i've owned were also shite Rabbithunter..i'm just a glutton for punishment and keep on hoping that ONE day i might get lucky and get summat half decent :icon_redface: ..i live in hope ..this is my current heap of turd that carries some of the genes.. ATB Andy. ;)



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i dont belive you walked up that mountian,,,, theres a road behind , own up


You f*****g bet i never lol..our J and his woman walked up there..jesus christ i'd of had to call the air ambulance in haha..whats the weather like down your way Tomo? I thought you'd of been away tonight? I'm gonna take Swift for a few spins later..would you believe the daft b*****d has came in season...f*****g typical eh?

Edited by poacherspocket22
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It's a cracking night up here just now..dark,drizzle and real windy but forecast much windier tomorrow? Oh aye Fazza,you know me i always get drawn into these topics haha :laugh: ...how did you get on ferreting Tomo?

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It's a cracking night up here just now..dark,drizzle and real windy but forecast much windier tomorrow? Oh aye Fazza,you know me i always get drawn into these topics haha :laugh: ...how did you get on ferreting Tomo?


25,, just round here,,, missed about 7 , never missed so many,,, jims fault :icon_redface: all of them,,, just sat here with some home made damson gin from last years vintage,,,,,, if i have a few more, ile be bitting markbrick style on here tonight. :laugh: .. il call you tomorow

Edited by TOMO
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